(200 Days) To ZEROBASEONE, A Fated Family Who Deserves More And Needs Encouragement



Hi, I’m Envy Rose. I’m sending this letter before January ends, so I can have a fresh start in February. I’m the Fan Writer who wrote about your “Rookie Grand Slam” and your member ZEROBASEONE Zhang Hao’s OST! Congratulations again on both of these achievements: All-Kill at the five major Korean award shows and ‘I Wanna Know’ claiming #1 on the Worldwide iTunes Song Chart! How do you guys even do it? The grandeur of these achievements and many others need to be recognized more. So I plan on writing more articles about you guys (and a few other idols) as I resume my studies for the Spring semester.

Fun fact: I started drafting the “Rookie Grand Slam” article on December 26, 2023! That was weeks after the Melon Music Awards. I was that impatient for this honor to officially be bestowed upon you. I’m a bit sad I missed out on a few important details/content after publication. But I’m surprised by how much research I put into it. That was so much fun! 

It’s a shame there wasn’t much noise after you earned this honor. This is an achievement you’re worthy of having under your growing legacy! People are missing out on some of the greatest moments in K-pop history you’ve made in a short time. They’re missing on nine of the most chaotic, funniest, hard-working, lovable idols the industry has never seen before. Nobody is writing about it, which means no hype from outside of the fandom and no chance to grow. But that’s one of the reasons I became a Fan Writer. If no one else is going to write about you guys, who’s going to do it then? I wasn’t going to wait for anybody else to do it for me and my fellow peers.

When I began my Fan Writer journey, Kpopmap imposed a big question: “What type of fan are you?” I never really thought about that. I always listen to the music and check out the content on an almost daily basis, be it you, EVNNE (hence, my username Envy Rose), or any other group. But I never took the time to reflect on the question. Simple, but powerful.

Truthfully, I’m in a writing slump. I loved writing poems or drafting lyrics. But that flame turned into a small candle on its last flicker of light. So I ended up holding myself back, pushing away any chance of sharing because, for me, it’s not good enough. I’ve written two other articles (more coming soon), and I’ve yet to complete my Fan Interview as a ZEROSE. I was planning to complete it, so readers can get a better idea of who I am. I was also planning to save this letter for your 1st anniversary. But in honor of 200 days,  I decided to finish this letter at least before January ends. I’m glad I’m putting it out now instead of waiting 6 more months to make it perfect.

In the Fan Interview Questions, fans were asked if we could “recommend words that each member would like to hear to new fans who don’t yet know about (the group we’re talking about for the interview)”. That is easier said than done. I’m a stranger to you guys, as you guys are strangers to me. We’re not close friends; we didn’t meet through any networks or by chance. But through your songs, lives, behind-the-scenes, and snippets of your life as idols or nine guys who are just having fun; I think I wrote messages that might inspire you. It might give new ZEROSE an idea of who you guys are, along with some nostalgia for veteran ZEROSE when they read further. With all of this out of the way, here are the words I think you guys would want to hear. At a later time, I’ll write longer paragraphs of appreciation. The order of the members is random, but I think fans will know immediately what the theme of the order is.


To the thoughtful and lovely role model who wishes to be a role model to others — you already are

You’re a present full of surprises, especially with your variety sense. I’m still in awe of how you and some of the members were arguing about your leopard-print shirt and necklace for 10 minutes. If only “ZBTV” could come faster, so we can watch more moments between you and the members. Besides your humor and your signature “young and rich, tall and handsome” line, your heart is full of love. You put so much unique elegance and passion into what you do. You remain calm, and patient, and care for the well-being of others. I still remember your concern for a ZEROSE’s well-being (the one who used tattoo stickers) at a fansign long ago. A random act of kindness like this demonstrates how you’re a role model to everyone who knows you. I’ll be rooting for you as you continue to be a role model for others. Stay true to yourself.


To the dancer who has a sunshine-like personality, know that fans are your umbrella when others try to rain on your parade

You’re so full of stories! You have a lot to share and are always willing to put your best when you perform. But you never brag; instead, you stay humble and show gratefulness. You always give back to the fans without expecting anything in return. The presents you give, your witty replies to comments, and your encouraging messages as you juggle your idol life make you a ray of sunshine. That’s how I see you, and I hope others see the same too. The stories about you from your older sister are also fun to listen to. The way she’s determined to see you whenever the group has a schedule is so endearing. I hope you get to hang out with her and your family when ZEROBASEONE goes on a break. Furthermore, I hope you’ll tell us more stories and continue to be everyone’s sunshine as the year goes by.


To the leader who sacrifices so much and speaks for the group — you’re a wonderful and valiant leader

You’re such a kind soul and deserve your own spotlight, along with the members. Not only as a “M COUNTDOWN” MC, but also as the professional dancer who’s insane at waacking and tutting. As the reliable big brother and son who cares for his family. As ZEROBASEONE’s leader who deserves more appreciation for his sacrifices and light to keep the members safe. When you said on Mnet Plus “If [we] want [something] desperately, [we] can make it happen” (8/18/2023), that hit hard. Because it’s more than wanting “to be [with] ZEROBASEONE forever” (as the ZEROSE you replied to said). It’s about taking risks, knowing we can’t please everyone, allowing ourselves to be scared, and finding the courage to do what makes us happy. Your leadership and generosity will never go unnoticed. I hope you continue to speak for your members and yourself. Keep up the good work, our leader!


To the main vocalist with a humble personality and sweet voice, you’re beautiful on the outside too

Where do I begin? Can we talk about how you took the risk to rap? How everyone hypes you up when you do your solo dance in ‘New Kidz on the Block’? How you have a very infectious smile and hearty laugh? How everyone appreciates your sense of fashion? That’s what I admire about you. You’re happy with who you are and you display effortless enthusiasm to learn something new. You can capture everyone’s hearts without doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. You find ways to share your passion with us, especially through your short covers. Glimpses of those show what you and other members have yet to reveal to the audience. I hope you continue to be your confident self without being held back. You’re full of surprises and will surprise more people as the group continues to shine. Keep being you and never stop singing and strumming your guitar.


To the first foreign center who is an inspiration, especially those in school; you’re the coolest center ever

How were you able to strike a balance with school? I’m a university student, and I’m stuck with the bad habit of finishing at the last minute! Different study habits aside, you’re an example of someone who never cuts corners. You always find ways to strike a balance, even if it means making sacrifices. I can never do that. Old habits die hard, and procrastination and life get the best of me. So learning about you keeps my university life going. I also really appreciate your efforts to promote ZEROBASEONE, no matter the destination or occasion. I may not be able to match that energy, but typing out something like this helps. Small acts like these can make way for bigger gifts in store. As my Spring semester begins, I’ll think about the sacrifices you’ve made to achieve your dreams. Don’t ever lose your passions, even as the group’s center.


To the mood maker who is the glue of the group, thank you for showing your unwavering passion to perform

If we were university friends, there would never be a single dull moment. I could see you welcoming everyone with open arms at an orientation, dancing your heart out at festivals, and leaving the entire room with laughter and smiles. You’re more than a humorous, witty prankster. Like the other members, you bring flavor with your dancing, singing, and rapping. A person who reminds us to have fun, but also have boundaries and keep it real. You don’t have to change anything about yourself. You’re not ugly; you’re perfect and beautiful as the wonderful loveable boy you are. We need more idols like you to remind us about life and its trials, but also to keep it real and have fun. Stay as you are — don’t let those mean comments define your life. The fans and members have and will always love you for being the unique individual you are.


To the eldest who has been through years of hardship but is full of determination, thank you for taking care of ZEROSE and your 8 younger brothers

After learning about your resilience and the work you’ve done, my support has grown tenfold. It’s a miracle that you finally get your chance to shine as an idol, especially with eight younger brothers who look up to you. If I learned anything, you didn’t stop striving for your dreams. You went through many hurdles and learned to challenge yourself with something new. Now that I think about it, I need to revisit your variety show as I return to school. I miss watching the funny, heartwarming adventures you had with the special guests and members. I wish we could also have a season two, but something bigger and new will come eventually. I’ll always keep watching you, no matter the activities that will grace your path. With that said, thank you for being the strongest eldest brother to ZEROBASEONE and to fans. Please remember to rest too. We’re right behind you.


To the all-rounder who knows how to move hearts and minds, I know you’ll go far with your talents

I’m amazed by how you had the courage and mental strength during your time in “Wild Idol” before “Boys Planet“. You had an eventful, long journey, and I’m glad you’re here with ZEROBASEONE and ZEROSE. The self-raps you wrote, the effort to hit the high notes when singing, and your passionate dancing say it all. You are worthy of the all-rounder title. Maybe you’ll be an MC for a music show someday. Oh yeah, happy belated birthday! For your special day to align with your group achieving one of the biggest and rarest honors in K-Pop history must’ve been the coolest birthday gift to receive ever. So many firsts were celebrated, and I’m glad to be a witness to these events. For now, I hope you’re enjoying your break with the members before going back to perform. I can’t wait to see what new tricks you have on your sleeve!


To the maknae who has so much to show to the world as he grows, you’re going to have a bright future

And you’re the last member to celebrate his birthday after the “Boys Planet” finale!? That’s crazy! Has it been 9 months since that day? Hearing Star Creators, your family and friends, and your members chant your name still gives me goosebumps. A distant memory that still holds an impact throughout time. From competing in the survival show to becoming one of the most famous idols as a teenager, you have to be one of the bravest souls I’ve ever seen. You’re so endearing, from loving your 8 older brothers that you want to be with them for 200 more years to warmly greeting fans even in a language you’re not fluent in. These actions show why everyone loves you. There’s nowhere else to go but only up from here. Protect and nurture your heart, maknae. Enjoy your special day and stay healthy on your group’s Japanese debut when they happen!

(200 Days) To ZEROBASEONE, A Fated Family Who Deserves More And Needs Encouragement



To all nine members who went from ZERO to ONE, how are you?

You always ask ZEROSE how our day has been. So here I am asking in return. Let me and others be the ones to ask “How are you” from now on. To think only 6 months have passed since debut, and you have achieved this much. I’ve learned so much from you not only as idols but 9 lovely and loveable people I can relate to. If you asked me how I’m doing, without going into too many details, I’m doing okay. I’m trying to shift into studying mode after a long holiday vacation. I’m also writing this letter to you, which I consider a small victory. I have more article ideas planned for this year and I hope to publish them. I’ll always write about ZEROBASEONE by heart and as a ZEROSE. Despite the hardships, I’m happy to be ZEROSE because ZEROBASEONE is a part of my pride and joy. All nine members are a part of my pride and joy. We will get through this storm and the future storms ahead. 

If I were to describe ZEROBASEONE, you guys are more than the trophies you’ve earned and the records you’ve broken. You guys are also nine loveable human beings who are trying to get through the cutthroat industry and deserve more beyond that 2.6-year contract. Your 2024 is only beginning, and you guys need the support of fans more than ever to overcome the obstacles ahead. But most importantly, you guys taught me and many other ZEROSE not to give up, don’t live with regrets, and move forward without stopping. The love and support of fans will always be around to protect your precious hearts.

I wish I could share these words in person. I wish I was there to witness events like KCON 2023 LA and share my eyewitness account of what you guys are like in real life. I wish I could give each of you a hug (only when you grant me permission to!), and ask “How are you”. But I have my limits, and a university life I need to complete. So no going out to concerts, no traveling solo, no meeting you and cheering until my voice gives out, and no meeting with fellow ZEROSE to have fun with. But I’ll always find a way to cheer for you because I know eventually I’ll get the chance to do these things later in the future. There’s still time for me to figure out everything, even as a Fan Writer.

Do you guys still remember the interviews you did with “Inkigayo“: “여담:餘談 TRIVIA“? I haven’t watched your Trivia Interviews yet (that’s my nickname for them). But since I’m taking Korean classes this Spring semester, I think there’s a chance to not only learn more about you but also build up on my Korean. I can’t wait to share my after-thoughts, and have a fresh set of ideas after watching the Trivia Interviews!

I hope I can meet you someday. That’s a very big dream and seems impossible, but I don’t want to waste these years without ever meeting you in person. You guys are writing and telling the stories, but need more storytellers who will deliver them effectively. You guys are one of the many reasons I became a Fan Writer, and how I got to experience many “firsts” with you. You also helped me reignite a few of my passions. I’m still struggling, but I’ll find my rhythm eventually. I promise to stay true to myself and not lose sight of what I want to achieve. I will be busy with university and figuring out where I want to be after graduation, but I’ll never stop writing about you and to you. Whether it’s a fun news article, an open letter like this, or an informative blog about your struggles; I will write about you and to you. I’ll be sure to ask “How are you” because you guys also need a break from the stressful and rigorous idol life.

The next time I write a letter like this, I hope it holds the same kind of love and support that will ease your hearts and souls. I don’t think I’ll be able to write a long letter like this soon, but I hope I can celebrate each day you have activities to the fullest with something to express my appreciation. It can be like post-its, where I can write out quick, bite-sized thoughts. Any longer, personal thoughts I have will be sent to you via mail. Will I know if you guys have seen this letter and future open letters? Probably not. Will you guys know that the personal letters that will be written in pen are from a Fan Writer named Envy Rose? Most likely not. But as long as this open letter inspires someone inside or outside the fandom and I write about you and to you, then I don’t mind. 

Good luck with your future activities in 2024, especially your Japanese debut! I love you all! But most importantly, be kind to yourselves and each other. This isn’t everything I wanted to share, but it’s enough to wrap everything into one bouquet, like the one you gave in ‘In Bloom’! 

(200 Days) To ZEROBASEONE, A Fated Family Who Deserves More And Needs Encouragement

And a bit of free-form poetry (or poetic storytelling): when darkness blinds and crushes you, there lies ahead a grove of glowing blue and white roses that reflect the stars in the night sky. It’s where you can release your frustrations and tears. It’s where you can breathe in sincerity that reminds you why you came so far. You have thrown your one mini bouquet weaved from the stars and planets to ZEROSE, so ZEROSE will throw thousands in return for your hard work.

To Sung HanBin, Kim JiWoong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim TaeRae, Ricky, Kim GyuVin, Park GunWook, and Han YuJin of the one and only ZEROBASEONE: I wish you the best.

With love and support, Envy Rose.

This article was created by a Fan Writer and posted without edits, according to our guidelines. Views expressed are solely those of the Fan Writer and not representative of Kpopmap.
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