When it comes to entertainment, music or even other industries there is often those you tend to follow and keep an eye on the most, or those who just have a special place in your heart. For many, ‘reunions’ are often remembered as special events or is a time, place or event that fans can rejoice and create special memories because of that said reunion.
BDC (비디씨) is a trio who debuted on September 23rd 2020 with their first EP album ‘The Intersection: Belief’ alongside the three members; Kim Sihun, Hong Seongjun and Yun Junghwan. The members would announce the end of promotions and leaving the company since mutually deciding to end their contracts, the group would have special fan meetings planned in Japan and Korea before their official disbandment in August of 2023. Since then, Yun JungHwan would continue his career underneath the name ‘LUVEN‘, Seongjun would enlist in military service and most recently Sihun would release his second single ‘Fly’.
Since updating fans last week with new pictures, fans would come across the latest notification from Seongjun where he would share a handful of photos with the other members, which you can check out below!