SUPERKIND Official / Kpopmap
Kat from Belgium is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of SUPERKIND. Let’s hear some stories about her K-Pop journey.
If you haven’t read Kat’s first fan interview yet, you can find them below!
Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Belgian Player Talks About Her Favorite Group SUPERKINDFan ArticlesSep 25, 2022
Now go back to our interviewee.
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hi, I am Kat, also known as Kat, The Tangerine. I am a Belgian Player and am of the NUKE-M kind. SUPERKIND is my ult group and I even dedicated some of my SNS solely to them. Find me on Twitter and TikTok.
How and when did you become a fan of SUPERKIND?
I found out about them through a post on Reddit talking about a newly debuted group with an AI member that looked very realistic. It made me curious, so I looked up their MV for ‘Watch Out’ that was released the day before. The song was very catchy and SaeJin intrigued me, so I decided to follow them on Twitter and YouTube. After meeting some other Players, I became part of the fandom and joined Discord.
What was the first SUPERKIND-related video or content that you watched?
Like I mentioned in my previous answer, it was their ‘Watch Out’ MV. They didn’t have a lot of content back then, but I immediately watched the debut trailers of the 5 members that were released back then and their dance performance video.
I heard you went to Korea and meet SUPERKIND twice in their TikTok Meet-Up Live. How did it feel to see SUPERKIND up close and not through a screen?
To be honest, the first time felt more like a dream than anything else. I had been a fan of SUPERKIND for over a year at that point, so it didn’t really register that they were suddenly in front of me. It was a unique experience, but I think I was a little too nervous to fully enjoy it. After the recording of their live, they did a short Q&A, and they actually answered my question too!The second time was a lot more relaxed. I had more of an idea of what was going to happen and by then I also knew some of the other Players that attended. So I felt more like I was actually part of it all. I could really enjoy the members singing songs and having fun with the questions from Players. Btw, we, international Players, misunderstood: Before the live, we were given post-it notes and pens. We were supposed to write down questions that the members were going to answer during the live. However, we understood that we were supposed to write down any encouraging or supportive messages. You can see the members struggle to pick notes during the live, because so many of them weren’t questions >.< However, after the live, they read all notes out loud and were able to have fun with it.
The second live I attended was actually my last night in Korea (I left the next day). It is very meaningful to me that I could spend it with SUPERKIND and other Players. I have also been a K-Pop fan for 8 years now and SUPERKIND is the first (and so far still only) K-Pop group that I was able to see in real life.
Describe SUPERKIND in 5 words.
Ah, this is too hard.
What is your favorite thing that SUPERKIND has done for their PLAYERs?
For me, it’s just how they give their all every day. They work really hard to entertain us and bring us good content. They practice every day and I have really been able to see them improve over the past year.
And even with their intensive schedules, they still make time to come chat with us and to do TikTok lives once or twice a week. I know that idols usually “Play Up” the love for their fans, but with SUPERKIND, I really do get the feeling that they genuinely care about us.
So that would be my answer: The way they do everything possible to impress as idols, but also how they show their warm and personal side to their fans.
What is your favorite memory from a SUPERKIND Tiktok Meet-Up Live?
Oh, this is a hard one! I think it would be to hear them sing live during the second recording that I attended. I have been waiting for a SUPERKIND concert for over a year; this is the closest that I got so far. 😄
And maybe also the parts after the live was over. One time they did a short q&a and the next time, they read all our silly notes (the ones that I mentioned earlier). Those moments were a bit different than the lives themselves, because it felt more like a direct interaction. I mean, I really enjoyed watching them play games and have fun, but they were mostly interacting with their recording equipment to entertain the viewers. When they interacted with the audience afterwards…that is what made it really special to be there with them.
What is the funniest thing that happened when you were interacting with other PLAYERs in the Tiktok Meet-Up Live?
I think it was just seeing the reactions of the members to our notes. Geon struggled really hard with reading one Player’s handwriting and had to pass the note over to other members multiple times. And Daemon playfully made fun of another Player’s drawing of a 👍 “thumbs up”. I wrote “Eugene, marry me” and Daemon read it out loud. Then Eugene and Daemon joked “You and me?” (Thanks a lot, Daemon!). The members are really funny and I think it is nice that they can joke with Players in that way.
There were some other funny moments, like us all having to wait in this narrow staircase of a small photostudio in some tiny side street and joking about not making it out alive. And just Players sharing about their daily lives and creating a laidback atmosphere. But since those might be a bit personal, I won’t talk about it here.
What is your best souvenir with SUPERKIND until now?
When it comes to physical objects, there are two that stand out: My MOODY album and my pictures from the SUPERKIND anniversary exam.
I had won their MOODY album from an event. It is their first physical album they ever created and only 40 copies were distributed. I really love the photobook, artwork and photocards.
As for the pictures: For SUPERKIND’s one year anniversary this year, they created the SUPERKIND exam, where Players could test their knowledge on the group. The top 10 with the highest scores received printed pictures as well as a written message by one of the members. I placed second and got a group picture plus a picture and message from Geon.
Every winner got a different set of pictures, so it is the most unique SUPERKIND item in my possession. Btw, I scored higher on the exam than the members themselves! You can watch a video of them taking it here:
Speaking of exams: In December 2022, I created a similar exam for Players (So, Deep Studio totally stole my idea /jk). At first, I kept asking my friends to take it, because I was afraid that no one would try it. To my surprise, a lot of people and even staff of Deep Studio took it. And even more surprising was the members themselves trying it! Suddenly, videos of them taking it were posted in their Discord server. So, to come back to your question: This is my favorite digital souvenir of them. By now, some of the members know who I am, but last year, I hadn’t had much chances to interact with them. So seeing them take my exam and having fun with it, still is one of my favorite memories up until today.
You can see the members take the exams here:
If you could interview a SUPERKIND member, what questions would you ask them?
I would like to have a more in depth interview with the members and learn a lot more about how they approach their music and about their history as trainees.
Many of them have been through hardships and/or have been with other companies before joining Deep Studio, so I would like to know more about that. We can already ask them a lot of questions in their Discord server, but because of the large number of Players chatting with them, it is not possible to really expand on things.
I’m also really curious in learning more about how Daemon produces music, since he has been more active in that. And he has mentioned before that he would like to show more about that stuff and talk about how his first mini album Forecast came to be. After chatting with one of SUPERKIND’s producers, PALIC, it seems like they had a whole process for the creation of their new track ‘Mugshot’ too and I would like to know more about that as well.
What is the best thing you have done for SUPERKIND so far?
I have tried multiple ways to show my love and appreciation for SUPERKIND, but I think their subway ad at Hongdae Station for their one year anniversary might be the best.
I organized it with 5 of my closest friends in the fandom and we had support from 4 other long-term Players as well. For me it is special for multiple reasons. Firstly of course, because it was a way for us to celebrate SUPERKIND’s first anniversary. The screens were four big media walls, so we really could show off the members well. And all of us have been with SUPERKIND since pre-debut days or shortly after debut, so it was a celebration about us as Players as well.
During their TikTok live the same day, Daemon said that, when he was a trainee, he dreamed of seeing such subway ads for his group too one day. I’m so happy that we could give that to him and the other members, because they really deserve all recognition for their hard work.
And here it is!!
Superkind's subway ad to celebrate their one year anniversary 🧡
!SUPER!#playsuperkind #superkind https://t.co/BjG1SM6c11 pic.twitter.com/mKwkWMyCRu
— SuperGyul Kat (@SuperGyulKat) June 19, 2023
What is your biggest dream for SUPERKIND aside from being happy and healthy?
For me, there is one obvious answer: I want them to have a world tour! I have been wanting to see them on stage ever since I discovered them. Especially to see it live in person! Most of their fans are international as of now, so if they could have a world tour, they could finally meet all their Players.
What’s your favourite 2023 moment involving your bias?
I started out with not having a bias, but by now I have to admit that Eugene is. There are a lot of cute moments and interactions with him, but my favourite would have to be when he drew a tangerine for me. I call mysef Kat, The Tangerine online and use the tangerine 🍊 as my symbol. One day I half-jokingly asked Eugene in Discord if he could draw a tangerine for me after their manager posted his drawing of a rabbit. And just a few minutes later, he posted a picture of a tangerine drawing! This might seem silly and trivial, but it actually shows how Eugene is. He is really adorable and likes to make his Players happy. And hey, which K-Pop fan doesn’t like to brag that their favorite idol drew something especially for them?!
Can you recommend a content video by SUPERKIND?
Oh, they have a lot of content! I recommended some videos in my interview from 2022 too, so I will focus on their newer stuff here.
Obvious recommendations are their MV’s for ‘MOODY’ and the newly released ‘Beam Me Up’.
I also want to add their two videos about their preparations for their first music show performance. I think these two videos show very well who the PRID members are. It’s a mix between their daily lives, practice, the preparations on the day itself and of course the performance. I think for Players these videos are also very emotional. Since the PRID members are so close to their fandom and interact so much with us, the connection is strong. So we all smile a lot when they are being playful and happily practicing, but we also feel for them when we see these young boys being so nervous before going on stage. It becomes clear that they practiced the song and choreo for many hours, repeating it over and over again. And after their performance was over, we saw that some of them had regrets or wished they had done better. These moments were rather heartbreaking, because you saw them give their all and they still weren’t completely happy. Yet, it was then heartwarming to see them lift each other up. And a few weeks later, they would have their second performance, which in my opinion was even better than the first.
What is your message to K-Pop fans who are not fans of SUPERKIND yet?
[Oh, I am so bad at these.]
I know SUPERKIND gets a lot of mixed opinions, mostly because of their virtual NUKE members. But SUPERKIND is a lot more than just a mix of real and animated idols. They are very hardworking and have so much entertaining, unique and good quality content. The human members do everything to show their care for their Players and never stop to amaze. Their songs are very catchy and their MVs tell wonderful stories. And while their lore and way of working can be a bit messy at times, it all leads to a unique experience. The Player fandom is also very welcoming, so if anyone reading this is curious to know more, just find a Player and they will most likely be happy to explain you anything you would like to know.
Kat’s message for SUPERKIND.
My dear SUPERKIND! SaeJin, Daemon, Eugene, Geon, SiO, JDV, Seung, and future NUKE members, I am so thankful that I could have been part of your journey so far. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us. I am finishing up answering the questions of this interview just a few days before ‘Beam Me Up’ is released. I am sure that this comeback will attract a lot of new Players. I wish you all the success and happiness in the world, because that is what each of you deserves. I’m always so proud of you and treasure everything that you do for us.
I love you!
From Kat, Your Tangerine 🍊.
Join SUPERKIND in Discord and follow them on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and X.