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As DPR IAN‘s new EP is just out on Oct. 6, and with the fandom getting bigger after “Coachella” 2023.
Let’s dive into this DREAMer passion for the incredible universe of DPR IAN and her journey to Dream Perfect (DPR meaning Dream Perfect Regime).
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I became a DREAMer in 2021 through my little sister. She was listening to “MITO” (Moodswings In This Order), DPR IAN’s first EP, and I’ve been instantly conquered by the melodies. I started to check the artist and next thing I knew I was completely in love with his concept.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite artist?
I would say the main reason is his mind! His creative process and imagination are incredible. Being a film director first, he always starts by having a scene and a scenario with a main character on his mind. Then he imagines what a song in the head of this character would sound like and he creates it. I think that makes him an amazing story teller, and to complete that, his visual universe is always very detailed and stunning. Listening to DPR IAN is entering a whole new universe, beyond the boundaries of reality. It’s getting lost in your imagination. I also love the fact that he is very open on mental health and there is always hidden meanings in each of his songs. Globally I’m drown by his versatility, DPR IAN is not only an incredible singer he is also a great dancer, an accomplished musician and songwriter and an amazing film director.
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite artist from other fans (non-fans)?
It’s not really a misunderstanding but I feel like it’s important to understand his concept to deeply appreciate his music. So, to let non-fans know, DPR IAN has create a character called MITO (hence the name of his two first albums), MITO is the epitome of an anti-hero, he is dark but it’s his darkness that makes him strong. He represents one of the faces of DPR IAN. His first album was the introduction to the character of MITO and the second one (“Moodswings In To Order”) was telling stories about him. He has recently introduced another character, the other face of DPR IAN, Mr. Insanity. He is the nemesis of MITO, like the Joker to Batman, and will be the main character of DPR IAN’s next project (out on Oct. 6), Dear Insanity. These two characters are the foundation of his music and knowing that makes every of his songs hits harder.
Which song by them caught your attention at first and why?
I clearly remember it was ‘So Beautiful’, for the duality between the melodies and the lyrics/MV. I was first caught by the groovy sound and this kind of cheerful whistle to find out that it was much darker than I thought.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
I think I would recommend the recent title track ‘So I danced’, mixing inspirations of rock, pop and electronic music in the type of Daft Punk, the song his really catchy! The MV is a real gem and a great introduction to Mr. Insanity and his relation with MITO.
As for the B-side track I would recommend ‘Mood’ from his second album, it has that groovy sound, unique to DPR Ian’s music and is beautifully written about his transformation into MITO. Actually I would even recommend to watch the short film combining several songs of the album!
Can you recommend a fancam, V-Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your favorite artist to our readers?
I would recommend the video: “Memories In Disorder” | OFFICIAL ‘MITO’ DOCUMENTARY. It’s the making of DPR IAN’s first EP, a deep dive to his universe and a must seen if you want to know more about the artist.
I would also recommend to watch the collaborative video between Adobe and DPR IAN, a beautiful short film on creativity and inspiration directed by IAN.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
I think it would be from the song ‘Miss Understood’, because of the play on word and the double meanings.
“Miss Understood
Do you know her?
Nobody loves her
She’s like no other
Somebody help her”
What kind of influence has your favorite artist had on your daily life?
He has influenced me to try new things like film directing but also, he taught me to appreciate all efforts and difficulties in the road of achieving a goal cause in the end you can use every opportunity to transform experiences, hardships into creativity. He has globally a great impact on my imagination, and creativity!