Stray Kids' Official Twitter
Christine is a devoted STAY who has been with her favorite group, Stray Kids even before they debuted. Read more about her experience as a passionate fan through her interview below.
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hi! I am Christine Sy from the Philippines. I have been stanning Stray Kids since pre-debut era on 2017 and that is the best decision I have ever made.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I was scrolling at YouTube when I saw a new video posted by JYP Entertainment, it was not even yet posted for more than a day, it was the ‘Hellevator’ MV of Stray Kids. I didn’t know them back then, but the title captivated me, so I watched it immediately. I would like to know more about the group but there are few information and resources I can find because they haven’t debuted yet during that time. When their survival show was announced, I waited and watched each episode. I have kept on supporting them since then until today.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
Han was the first one that caught my attention when I first watched the ‘Hellevator’ music video because he has many lines and screen time. His rap skills are also noticeable.
Who is your bias, and why?
Having a bias is a crisis being a fan. I change bias from time to time especially during the pre-debut era. Han was my first bias since he caught my attention first. When they performed on their first talent showcase at their survival show I got bias wrecked by Chan and I changed bias. Then I changed again to HyunJin, then SeungMin, until I lost track. I think all of them had become my bias at some point. Until the ‘Side Effects’ era came, Han stands out the most to me. He became my bias again and I promised myself to not change bias again. Turns out sticking only to one bias is work better the second time around.
What is your best souvenir with your favorite group until now?
April 27, 2019. I still can’t forget that date. It was the first concert tour of Stray Kids in Manila, the “Unveil” tour. That was one of the best moments of my life. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. It was also the first concert I’ve ever attended together with my sister and mother. It’s just sad that we haven’t had a chance to buy merchandise for remembrance, but it doesn’t matter. What matters the most is the experience, the memory. We were seated in the upper box section so it’s not that far, but also not that near to the stage. I felt mixed emotions when the lights began to flick as the group entered the stage. I feel like I’m one with the crowd and the group. The crowd chants cheers and dances to the beat. It was a fun experience, and I will treasure it forever.

Christine at the “Unveil” tour in Manila 2019
Four years later, on the 20th of January 2023, I saw them again on stage for the second time at their “STAY With BENCH”: Stray Kids Fan Meet in Manila —which is also the first fan meet I have ever attended! I feel like it’s destiny that my first concert and first fan meet were with them. It’s been an honor that I saw them live in their first concert and fan meet here in Manila.

Christine at the “STAY With BENCH”: Stray Kids Fan Meet 2023
Is there a difference seeing them perform and in real life? What is your reaction to the difference (if there’s any)?
There is (a difference). The feeling is indescribable. I think, in real life, I feel more emotionally attached to the performance since I am part of the crowd. I feel that I belong and I feel like I’m one with them. Seeing them perform right in front of my eyes, makes me feel the connection between us fans and our idols. It is a satisfying and amazing feeling.
If you are collecting goods, what is your most precious treasure?
I am a broke fan, so I don’t really collect, but I have a few. In fact, I only have 2 albums of theirs, and 2 photocards. This photocard of my bias is my favorite.

Christine’s picture of Han’s Photocard
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
It is hard to pick just one favorite song of theirs, whether it is a title track or a B-side but these days, ‘Case 143’ and ‘Sorry, I Love You’ are growing into me lately.
Name a variety show/content show that you would love to see your favorite group? Tell us why.
It would really be nice to see Stray Kids reading thirst tweets on Buzzfeed. A lot of fans have been wanting this to happen too. In fact, Chan mentioned this on vlive once reading a comment about them reacting to thirst tweets.
If your favorite group were to collab with another idol, who do you think would be best?
I would really love to see Stray Kids and TXT collab. The two groups are close friends and they have mentioned it many times before. It would be iconic if they had a collab.
@jypestraykids #창빈 의 #특챌린지 #S_Class_Challenge 💫 w/ #투모로우바이투게더 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #연준 #YEONJUN ✨ #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 #Changbin #5_STAR #특 #S_Class #YouMakeStrayKidsStay ♬ S-Class – Stray Kids
Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
Han and SeungMin’s cover of ‘Congratulations’ by DAY6 will always be my favorite.
Here is my favorite TikTok video of Han together with Felix.
@jypestraykids Feels with #han #straykids #felix ♬ Feels (Sped up) (feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean) – Calvin Harris
Can you recommend a cute or funny video (30s)/gif of your bias to our readers?
This TikTok video of Han is so cute and funny at the same time.
@jypestraykids 슼슼사진관을 방문해주신 햄스터 손님 🐹💖 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈 ♬ 오리지널 사운드 – OnlyOneOf official
Can you also recommend a content video (variety series, song cover, dance cover, etc.) by your favorite group?
“Finding SKZ Get Edition” is so fun and entertaining. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
“I just really love you,
You’re the only reason why I really love you
When I see you smile I just can’t get enough and
I can’t live without you
Baby I just really love you.”
— ‘Because’ (ChangBin, Felix)
Have you ever made a new friend because of K-Pop?
Yes, I have made many online friends I mostly met on stan twitter. I even met one in person! I also made a few friends when I attended their fan meeting.

Picture of Christine and her friends’ ticket to Stray Kids Fan Meet
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Stanning Stray Kids is the best decision I have ever made. I feel like a mother watching them debut and grow as a group. I am so proud of them. They are my first ult group in K-Pop. My relationship with them is so wholesome. They are such an inspiration. Their songs are so relatable and really helped me be motivated in life. They are one of the highlights of my teenage years and now I’m entering the early 20s life, I am happy that I am still with them.
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