Hwang MinHyun's Instagram / Kpopmap
As Hwang MinHyun becomes more well known across the K-Pop and K-Drama world, more and more people are considering whether or not to become a Hwangdo. I’m here to tell you that becoming a fan of Hwang MinHyun is a decision that you will never regret.
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Most of my friends in the fandom know me as Nari. I am originally from the United States but have been living and working in Seoul, South Korea for quite some time. Oh, and I’m a proud and loud Hwangdo.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I always joke that me becoming a Hwangdo had been long destined and that I should have seen the warning signs the whole time! I first became aware of MinHyun in 2012 when he first debuted as the lead vocalist of NU’EST. As a huge After School fan at the time, I had been looking forward to the debut of their little brother group and was very into their first single ‘Face’. However, as work and life got in the way, I slowly began to lose interest in the K-Pop world, and my tastes started to shift more towards Korean indie acts. Among my favorites was a singer named Fromm. One of the tracks off her album “Moonbow” stood out to me because of the male vocalist featured on the song- his voice had such a sense of longing that matched the story the lyrics told, and it gave me chills every time I heard it. I didn’t really make the connection at the time that the MinHyun credited on the song was the same kid I had seen debut three years earlier. Fast forwarding finally to 2017, articles coming out about NU’EST joining the second season of “Produce 101” triggered memories of their debut, and I decided to watch and support them because I admit that I’m a total sucker for an underdog story. Everyone should be able to figure out the rest from here. MinHyun, having placed ninth overall, made it into Wanna One, and I fell into the craze along with the rest of Korea. I finally gave in and declared myself a fan after watching the first episode of the group’s reality program “Wanna One Go” Season 1. That first episode really showcased so much of his natural charms that I couldn’t deny anymore how much I liked him!
What are the reasons why you love your favorite artist?
I know everyone says that there are too many reasons, but really! There are! One reason is his constant positivity. I’ve never heard him say a single negative thing in all the years that I’ve been his fan. Even when discussing something as non-controversial as food preferences, he’s always careful to say that something isn’t his taste rather than outright saying that he doesn’t like it. Another reason why I love him is his humility and consideration towards staff and people around him. There are countless fancams of him at events where we can see him bowing respectfully towards staff or going out of his way to assist them with something. I love that he doesn’t show entitlement towards the time or attention of others. Third, I love his sincerity towards his fans. Just one look at any of his videos from fan signs is enough to show you how much he focuses on his fans. He never breaks eye contact and does his best to make his fans feel heard and seen for the short time they have to spend with him. Finally, I love that even 12 years into his career, he has never lost that trainee mindset. Despite everything he has managed to achieve, he is constantly looking for ways both to improve the skills he has and to expand into new areas of development. When he’s not at the gym or on set, he’s taking vocal lessons or acting lessons. He wants to improve his photography, so he’s currently learning more about how to take good photos by watching YouTube videos. If there’s some way he can grow, he’ll do it! His tireless striving to be better than he was the day before is one of the main reasons why I can’t help but love and support him in all that he does.
Which song by them caught your attention at first and why?
I’m not sure if this counts since it’s technically not a song by him, but I first really began to take notice of him as a potential object of my fangirl love during his performance of ‘Never’ during “Produce 101.” It was the last elimination challenge before the remaining contestants could go on to the final broadcast, so by then, I was already well aware of how good of a singer MinHyun is. However, I was not expecting the charisma he showed as the center for the ‘Never’ performance. Just the look that he gives into the camera as the song starts and his opening lines had me hooked. What impressed me even more was how he still managed to convey the emotional depth of the song. To me, ‘Never’ is a great example of how well MinHyun can express the feeling of a song through his vocals while maintaining a commanding stage presence.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
I will 100% recommend that everyone listen to ‘Universe’. Not only is it his first Korean solo release, but he also participated in writing the lyrics. It remains his favorite and most recommended song, so I feel like I would disappoint him if I didn’t put ‘Universe’ at the top of everyone’s must-listen list. As for the B-side track, my favorite B-side from his first solo album is ‘Cube’. MinHyun’s smooth voice fits the R&B-style of the song perfectly, and I really love how poetically the lyrics describe trying to break free of feelings of isolation to find the person you’re meant to be with. If you can watch his performance video of ‘Cube’, please do! The choreography adds so much to the experience of the song!
Can you recommend a fancam, V-Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your favourite artist to our readers?
All of MinHyun’s lives are gems. They really feel like cozy little hang-outs where we just chat and tease each other, a healing time for everyone. However, a recent one that I keep coming back to is his birthday live from this year. So many little, endearing moments! His ‘Super Shy’ cover in the middle should not be missed! Going to kill three birds (fancam, cover video, cover dance) with one stone and recommend his cover of EXO BaekHyun’s ‘UN Village’ from last year’s fan meeting. There’s nothing that performance lacks: visuals, vocals, dance- literally all the boxes are checked off! And those body waves? They’ll have you blowing chef’s kisses at your screen. As for individual content, his vlogs called “Hwanglogs” on his official channel are a great way to see him in a more natural state, especially his Iceland vlogs. It had been on his bucket list for years to go to Iceland to see the aurora, and finally, after finishing filming for “Alchemy of Souls,” he and his two best friends since elementary school hopped on a plane and made that dream come true. Watching him with his actual friends showed us a new side of him we had never seen before, and it was such a gift that he allowed us to be a part of his friendship trip. I frequently revisit the Iceland vlogs when I need to just unwind from a stressful day.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
Maybe it’s because I have this song on repeat recently, but the first lyrics that popped into mind are from his recent OST for My Lovely Liar called ‘Alarm’:
“이제 말할 수 있어 네게
독백이 아닌 고백
자연스럽게 사랑을 외칠 수 있어
더욱 선명해지는 꿈이 아닌 이 순간
주저하지 않고 니 손잡을 수 있어.”
Every time I get to this part of the song, my eyes start to water up. I tend to not be very expressive about my feelings with other people, especially when it comes to showing my love or affection, but when it comes to MinHyun, I find myself not hesitating at all to express my admiration for him. These lyrics capture the awe and freedom that comes with being able to love someone, and that mirrors my feelings as a fan.
Since your favorite artist is also acting, can you recommend dramas starring them for new fans?
I’m sure almost everyone who reads this will already be familiar with both seasons of “Alchemy of Souls” and more recently “My Lovely Liar,” so I would recommend his debut drama “Live On.” “Live On” didn’t seem to really create much of a stir among international audiences, but it was fairly popular in Korea, constantly topping the NaverTV video rankings and other real-time searches. The last episode even trended on Twitter along with the last episodes of another extremely popular drama that was airing at the same time. “Live On” is just a well-written high school drama about friendships and first love, and I’m so happy that MinHyun can claim it as his first major role. If you’re looking for a deep cut that’s a bit more difficult to find, I would also recommend you check out his work in the Japanese movie “Their Distance.” MinHyun always seems embarrassed when we bring up his character Nam SangSoo, but really he should be proud that he was able to act both in Japanese and in Korean all for one role!
Do you have an all-time favorite scene? Can you describe it or share a video?
I recently said that if I could go back in time and re-watch any of his scenes again for the first time, it would be the scene from “Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow” when Seo Yul imagines himself killing NakSu/BuYeon and himself with a stab through her back. Not only was it an unexpected moment, but also the whole scene just came together beautifully. His and Go YounJung’s acting, the dialog, and the camerawork made it feel so cinematic, like something beyond just a TV drama.
What genre do you want them to appear in? What’s the reason?
I want to see MinHyun in either something that’s full blown action or some kind of work-centered drama, like a legal drama or a medical drama. Thankfully, MinHyun is currently filming “Study Group,” which should definitely serve up all the action scenes I have been craving. MinHyun himself has also mentioned wanting to take on a role that involved more physical fight scenes, so I know he must also be pretty excited about having landed the lead role for “Study Group.” For a work-centered drama, my reason is mainly that I want an excuse to have MinHyun in a suit. On a less superficial note, I would like to see him take on a more mature and serious role. MinHyun once said that he keeps getting more handsome with age and that by the time he hits 30, he will be overwhelmingly handsome. Now that he’s two years away from that milestone age, I would love for him to put that claim to the test and play a handsome, up-and-coming prosecutor in a legal drama.
Which actors would you like to see them to act with? What’s the reason?
I am honestly not well informed when it comes to other actors in the K-Drama world. I’m slowly starting to learn more about them now that MinHyun’s acting career has gone into full swing, but one actor whom I am aware of and would love to see MinHyun act with is Lee JeHoon. Going back to my wish of seeing MinHyun appearing in an action drama, him appearing with Lee JeHoon would be a dream come true as I think they could really become a good action duo together! They also seem to already be on friendly terms, having been spotted eating a meal together, so I would also love to see their off-screen chemistry in the making videos as well.
Are there any quotes by your favourite artist that you would like to share?
There are actually three quotes that I would like to share. The first is “Don’t let your mood become your attitude.” MinHyun says that he often keeps those words in mind while at work, and I think that perfectly shows MinHyun’s considerate nature towards the people around him. It’s a good reminder that our bad moods are temporary and that we shouldn’t let them dictate how we treat the people around us or how we approach the work that we do. It also further highlights how much MinHyun puts others first before himself. Another quote that I would like to share is: “그대의 행복은 나의 행복/Your happiness is my happiness.” He first wrote it as a comment on a fan cafe post back in 2018, and just last year in 2022 he said that it’s his favorite among the sayings he has coined. I think it describes well the relationship between MinHyun and Hwangdo: how we do everything in our power to make the other happy because that’s what brings us our own happiness. The third quote is more of a motto:“여전히 황민현/Still Hwang MinHyun.” He first said it in 2019 at his last award show appearance as a member of Wanna One, and he has repeated it several times since then with the most recent being at the end of a VCR for his “Unveil” mini-concert this summer. To me, this quote is more of a promise to his fans, that no matter where life takes him or how the situation around him changes, he will always be the same Hwang MinHyun that we know and love. And I can vouch that he has certainly kept that promise.
What kind of influence has your favourite artist had on your daily life?
MinHyun often says that he never wants to do anything that would make his fans ever regret having been his fan. He constantly promises us that he will keep improving so that we can proudly say that we’re Hwangdo. I feel that mindset has most definitely influenced my daily life in that I, in return, want to be a fan that MinHyun can be proud to have, and for that to happen, I’ve realized that I first have to be proud of myself. This might be too personal, but right now I’m at a turning point in my own life where I’m taking a step back to evaluate where I am and where I want to be. I find myself wondering about what would make me happy, what would make me proud. That feeling of wanting to be proud of what I’m doing in life, even if it’s nothing special by other people’s standards, is something that I attribute to MinHyun. It’s that feeling that finally helped me break free from a rut that I’ve been stuck in for a while, and although I am admittedly a bit worried about my next steps, I know that if I keep focusing on finding whatever it is that keeps me motivated and happy, it will all work out in the end. Another smaller way that he has influenced my daily life is that he has made me appreciate the beauty of the world around me. MinHyun loves to take photographs of things around him that catches his eye, such as the sky, flowers, sunlight sparkling off the river, and posts them to share with Hwangdo so that we can enjoy the moment with him. Because of that, I also find myself noticing my environment more and taking photos of things I might have simply ignored before but the thought crosses my mind that MinHyun might find it pretty or enjoy seeing it.
What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?
Without a doubt, my favorite side of fangirling is the community. I’ve met some great online friends, some of whom have even spilled over into being real life friends as well. It’s so freeing having a group of people with whom I can just freely chat about MinHyun and not feel guilty for dominating the conversation or feel as if I were being judged for being an idol fan. I also love the feeling when we all gather for an event, be it a concert, fan meeting, or a music show pre-recording. Being in one space all together with MinHyun to me is magical, and yes, I’m well aware of how corny that sounds. However, seeing how happy he is to see Hwangdo and feeling all the happiness coming from the Hwangdo around me gives a sense of belonging that I have never experienced before. After finally receiving a fandom name, MinHyun, during a live, said that it feels like he finally has his own team on his side, and that’s exactly what it feels like: we’re one team, Hwang MinHyun and Hwangdo. And that feeling of being all in together is what I love most.
Can you recommend words that your bias likes to hear to new fans who don’t know yet about it?
If there’s one thing new fans have to know about MinHyun is that he loves being complimented. You’ll often see him on a live or in his behind-the-scenes content on his official channels asking if he did a good job, if he did well. He really does everything he can to make us happy. When we asked him for a selfie with glasses, he posted a selfie with glasses. When we asked him to do a live from his bed, he did a live from his bed. When we begged him to post an unreleased profile picture, he went to the higher ups at Pledis to ask for the photo and then posted it. The best, and my favorite, example is at his “Unveil” Seoul performances, he did the ‘Betcha’ challenge as a punishment after losing the games during the first day. The second day, we had been anticipating a new challenge, but MinHyun just did the ‘Betcha’ challenge again. However, MinHyun noticed our slight disappointment, so he went home after the concert that day, stood in front of his computer, and learned a whole new challenge by himself to do for us on the final day of the concert. That final day, he surprised all of us when he did the ‘Super Shy’ challenge. If you watch the fancams from that day, you can see him scanning the front rows for Hwangdo’s reactions and then bursting out into a huge smile when he sees how thrilled everyone is. He works so hard to make us happy, and it makes him happy to hear us say how well he’s doing. So please, please shower him with all the praise! He deserves it!
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite artist from other fans (non-fans)?
One of the most common misunderstandings about MinHyun from people who are first starting to get to know him or only know him casually through the roles that he plays in his dramas is that he is quiet and a bit aloof. MinHyun is neither of those things. MinHyun is constantly singing and joking around. He has a natural cuteness that he constantly denies but can’t hide. His laughter is unique and infectious. He is deeply caring and warm towards the people around him, having once been described as being like Doraemon for how he tends to pop up out of nowhere with what you need before you even know that you need it. He has absolutely no awareness of internet memes, but when he catches on, he makes sure to show off to us how hip he is. He’s intelligent and witty and loves to tease Hwangdo possibly more than how much we love to tease him. He’s terrible at sports and is super clumsy (somehow his phone managed to fall over three times during his last live). He’s obsessed with beard filters because he can’t grow a real beard of his own. “Notting Hill” is one of his favorite movies, and so is “Transformers.” His role model in life is Optimus Prime. He recently discovered that he loves taking naps and will go out of his way to wake up earlier than he has to just so that he can have a nap in the middle of the day. Basically, what I’m trying to say is, everything you think you know about MinHyun just based on first impressions is probably all wrong.
Nari’s message for Hwang MinHyun:
Simply put: thank you. Thank you for not giving up on your dream. Thank you for persevering and pushing through to become an even stronger singer and now actor. I can’t say that my journey with you has always been a smooth one (we’ve experienced some major heartaches together, haven’t we?). However, you always warn us not to let our guards down because we never know when you’ll come to us with good news, so just know that Hwangdo will always wait eagerly to see where you’re going to take us next! 온리황도황대장! 황도해!