OnlyOneOf Official
OnlyOneOf has announced various tour dates for their on going ‘Things I can’t Say LOve’ world tour taking place throughout 2024. From originally announcing the dates early December 2023 to announcing stops for Japan and Latin America legs of the tour, OnlyOneOf would continue to announce the dates as more stops would be successfully completed.
Canadians fans would more then welcome OnlyOneOf has various cities are often missed when it comes to musical acts official tours. OnlyOneOf would successfully fly out to Vancouver for a powerful and meaningful performance once again to Vancouver to a maximum capacity venue of 1,280 at the popular event centre known as Vogue Theatre based in downtown Vancouver.
The band would perform the tracks dOpamine, dOra maar (English VER) and even surprising fans with an encore stage of some of the most beloved tracks of chrOme hearts, OnlyOneOf Me, blueblueseOul and of course angel. Fans on multiple SNS platforms would assure other lyOn’s that Jung Wookjin (lovingly known as ‘Nine’) to memorize the english version of Libidio for the up coming tour stops.
OnlyOneOf that previously consisted of 7 members currently consists of 6 members and the first official boy group underneath 8D Entertainment. The group itself contains the following members:
#1. Jung Wookjin. (Nine)
Position. Leader, Vocalist & Maknae.
#2. Shin Kyubin. (KB).
Position. Lead Rapper, Vocalist & Visual.
#3. Lee Sungho. (Rie).
Position. Lead Vocalist & Lead Dancer.
#4. Lee Taeyeob. (Yoojung).
Position. Main Dancer, Vocalist & Visual.
#5. Kim Junhyung. (Junji).
Position. Lead Vocalist & Lead Dancer.
#6. Lee Yongsoo. (Mill).
Position. Main Rapper & Vocalist.
After attending the Vancouver stop on the tour for OnlyOneOf on April 17th I wanted to note about my experiences and help answer some questions new individuals to OnlyOneOf might have or wanted to learn about them as they become more and more known.
Q: How do you think OnlyOneOf is becoming more known?
For me, I personally think a lot of it has to go with their obvious love on stage and inclusiveness to fans, willing to hear their stories, hug and comfort them if they cry and understanding how much LGBT flags mean to their audience. And their willingness to ignore certain staff to take the flag and run with it on stage, taking photos with fans and understanding the importance behind it.
LGBT is something that is still a sensitive topic for many areas of the world, and sometimes some artists aren’t given the chance to safely come out or ask for support from fans because of the worry of their public image. With this understanding, OnlyOneOf is able to show their support although not disclosing their own personal identities but can still feel safe enough with fans to feel comfort and safety.
Q: What do you what OnlyOneOf to be known for?
I personally think that the members are well known within our fanbase for their love towards their fans and the inclusiveness that exists within the parasocial relationship between the two groups. Although they may not know us personally and they don’t know us personally, we can still recognize that idea and know that ‘its okay to ask or show support’ in this manner.
Although their libido performance was a game changer, I want people to know them outside of that and recognize the group for their talents and live stage presence to.
Q: How and when did you enter the fandom or become a casual listener of the group and upgraded to being a fan?
I was apart of big fandoms in the past, although I loved those artists I wanted someone who was inclusive and a place I felt safe. In 2020 was one of the hardest times for me, with members such as BlockB and B.A.P made their departure and into military, I wanted to find a new artist to connect with.
During this time I stepped away from twitter to focus on my mental health, I would come across the members live streams similiarly to a radio show where there would be a cover or two, songs played suggested by fans and more.
KB and Rie would often answer my comments during these livestreams, and through the popular fan platform bubble, Junji would be pretty funny afterwards. Even calling out my bad Korean from time to time. KB and Rie would also mention the artists they liked through bubble, mentioning some I have enjoyed in the past.
Q: What makes OnlyOneOf one of your favourite K-Pop Groups?
For me when it comes to the group, I found them during a time of doubt and stepping away from K-Pop. To me, they were incredible dancers, the underground idol series was very meaningful for me as well due to it being a stepping stone in my own acceptance, and coming out to some people who I haven’t told at that time.
Q: In the article you said it was your first experience at a concert, what did you think?
Yes! I saw a Western artist in 2014 but I don’t remember really who it was and didn’t follow them, for K-Pop this is my first concert ever, including my first ever fan sign and VVIP experience.
At first it was awkward to explain to my parents why I wanted to go to Vancouver and exactly what concert I wanted to go to, although I did up going with them and my Mum ended up hanging out with a group of parents to ask questions to during the performances as I stood at the front of the stage. After not being able to see B.A.P, TRCNG or BlockB in concert at those times, I really thought I would regret it if I never saw OnlyOneOf. I made incredible memories at the concert, and separately in Vancouver with my mother. I was super glad when there was some parents there for her to talk and ask questions with.
Q: Who is your bias and why?
I say this all the time, theres something special I enjoy about all the members and can relate to. For KB I personally love working out and focusing better on my health, because of this I look to him a lot. For music suggestions I often look to YooJung or Rie because we have similar tastes, when it comes to the other members its often from their funny antics on bubble and inside jokes between OnlyOneOf and their fans.
Q: Can you share a memory with your bias?
Hmmm I’ll do just two, for me it was when it was the fan sign. The members were incredibly flirty with everyone but I think my nervousness could be sensed, with a smile KB and Yoojung would question if it was my first concert. Sheepilshy I would say yes and they would thank me for coming, afterwards, Junji would cutely see his photo on the back of the Seoul Collection album and sign it, separating the members signatures that were on the back white page of the album. Showing this to my Mum after the fan sign was done (she was standing with a group of Dads and one mum at the back), she thought it was cute and so different.
Secondly, during the small group VVIP photo time, because I was at the end of the line Rie offered to do a heart with me and told me it was okay, and gave one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. I’m pretty social awkward at times and for a group that means so much to me, it was so nice to feel validated and for Rie to use male pro nouns. Sometimes I struggle with what I like to hear, but from Rie it made my heart so happy for some reason.
Q: What was your favourite track or stage that was performed on April 17th? Can you name at least two?
Aside from their title tracks, KB informed fans about the track Seoul Drift would be called ‘Vancouver Drift’ for this performance after using his inside joke with fans, ‘I’m hot gay! or hot guy, whatever you guys want!’ to the crowd before they would go through different tracks. When a performance was done, they asked what tracks to perform next, instead of performing all the solo’s, the members would perform their solo melodies. And since Rie is one of my main favourites of the group, his beautiful and blue filled stage for ‘Because’ made my heart melt next to OnlyOneOf You.
At the end that included their concert VCR so the members could take a break and change into different clothes, would they perform their encore stage. The members would make us all jump to use up our energy before going home, splashing water on us to cool us down (I got hit by KB’s water bottle twice as he often came to the left side of the stage).
I posted some of my videos on Weverse and Youtube because of computer issues to my channel, if I had to choose it would be these without a doubt:
Q: Is there a fan cam, stage or cover video of your bias(s) you would want to recommend to new comers or readers? and why?.
Yes!, to limit the videos on this post, I will only add my re occurring listens and my favourites to stream. They include:
Q: What is your favourite title track and your two favourite b sides from OnlyOneOf?
In terms of solo tracks I personally really love and always seem to come back to Savanna, Skinz and mOnO. But lately for me it seems to be angel (produced by my favourite producer Gray), night flight and OnlyOneOf You (Also called OnlyOneOf Me) . When the tracks came out I was dealing with a lot of issues and trying to find out who I was in a safe manner, or really how to express my own identity.
I drifted away from K-Pop many times, unfollowing a lot of artists throughout the years either due to controversy or because of their style of music no longer being something I enjoyed. But OnlyOneOf has truly been that one consistence that always stayed within my playlists, an artist I would always keep an eye on as I figured out how to properly and healthy follow K-Pop artists in my own way that felt comfortable and reasonable.