- Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
- How and when did you enter the fandom?
- What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?
- Who caught your attention at first and why?
- Who is your bias, and why?
- Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
- Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, song cover, dance cover, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
- Can you also recommend a content video (variety series, song cover, dance cover, etc.) by your favorite group?
- Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
- Are there any words from the members you would like to share?
- What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?
- What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?
- Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite group from other fans (non-fans)?
- You can also add a message/letter to your bias or show it on a message scrapbook.
- If you could spend the day with them, what would you want to do together?
- Can you recall a moment where you cried/laughed with your bias?
- If you have a chance to cook for the group, what will you cook for them?
- If you can spend a day with your bias, where will you go and what will you do?
- What do you think is the most underrated song by your favourite idol group/soloist?
- Can you share a fun episode that only fans from your fandom know to readers?
- Have you ever made a new friend because of K-Pop?
My name is Justin and I grew up in Hawaii, where I currently live now. I love to write and edit books, and I’m also learning illustration and Korean.
I entered the fandom in 2019! Before TXT debuted, I found Yeonjun’s introduction video, which popped up on YouTube. If that video didn’t pop up, I wonder if my life would be different. The guys caught my attention immediately. I loved the fresh and youthful vibe of their introduction films. Once all the members were introduced, I was looking forward to their debut song. Once I heard their voices and discovered their personalities on shows like TALK X TODAY, I became a proud fan.

Picture: https://twitter.com/TXT_bighit/status/1321059232242827265/photo/2 (second photo with sunset background)
TOMORROW X TOGETHER focuses on storytelling in their music, videos, and performances. As a writer, I love how everything stems from their alternate universe, where each member has a role and special power. I really appreciate the thought behind each “chapter” of their world.
I also love their music and the message of growing up, finding people who love you and will take the journey with you. I related so much to “CROWN,” as I have always felt different, growing up with “horns,” or things that I thought made me unlovable. Each album exceeds my expectations, and each member’s voice adds their own special touch.
The content that TXT produces, such as their show TO DO and their vlogs, brings me comfort in my daily life. I love seeing them shop for groceries or eat, and I will often put their videos in the background when I’m eating or writing. They shine with distinct personalities, and I love how they represent fellow introverts who maybe need more time to warm up and get comfortable.

Picture: https://twitter.com/TXT_bighit/status/1741821581427683405/photo/1 (first photo, group)
The first member who caught my attention was Huening Kai! His introduction video was a pure vibe. It was so happy and yellow. When I found out that he was born in Hawaii, I felt an instant connection to him. I would love for him and the members to visit Hawaii one day.
My bias is Beomgyu! I had such a hard time deciding, but I remember declaring my bias in May of 2019. It was hard to stay faithful to Beomgyu, but he drew me in with his soft yet deep voice, energetic personality, and warm words. Beomgyu has a loud side which he shows in front of the camera, but when he’s alone he’s quiet and lowkey, which I can very much relate to.

https://twitter.com/beomchubs/status/1316366743774720000/photo/1 (first picture with cardigan, can find original source from official TXT twitter)
Such a hard question! For title tracks I would have to go with “Blue Hour.” The music video is a treat for the eyes, and the song itself is cheerful and has the ability to change your day for the better.
For a B-side track, I would recommend “Anti-Romantic.” It’s a soothing song that you can sway to and sing along with.
I would have to recommend Beomgyu’s cover of “you!”. It was filmed in Tokyo and has such a healing feeling. I would recommend watching it on your phone for the full effect! The aesthetic fits Beomgyu perfectly, and he’s able to show off his unique vocal color.
There are so many! But I would have to recommend one of their first reality shows, ONE DREAM.TXT. It captures their first showcase in America. This show is really what made me a hardcore fan. I remember anxiously waiting for new episodes. Although it’s an oldie, it captures TXT’s dynamics and charm.
Lyrics that have been hitting me hard lately are from the song “Quarter Life.”
“This moment might be the darkest period,
We don’t know
Let’s not stop right now
I don’t know where we need to go
But we’ll walk forward
It might be a bit dark now
But we’ll pull through as if we’re wandering
Quarter life crisis”
The whole song is an anthem to anyone feeling like they’re at a standstill in life. In my twenties as well, I relate to this song more than ever.
Credit: @translatingTXT https://twitter.com/translatingTXT/status/1774749464571298107
I have to share Beomgyu’s comforting words about depression, when he commented on a post on Weverse:
“The thing about depression is even if you say it’s okay, it still comes and finds you…. There’s nothing to be ashamed of…. Please don’t bury yourself with thoughts before sleeping. Think of the moments of happiness. Give yourself, who has worked hard for the day, a pat on the back.”
Credit: @TXTEngSubs
TXT has such a positive effect on my daily life. I may not have time to watch content all day while lying in bed (which I did during 2020), but I still listen to their music in the car, and I leave their lives on while working on my computer. It makes me happy to understand Korean, while I make slow progress learning the language. I also keep up with updates on Weverse, and I leave comments on their posts too.
The members remind me to keep pushing forward to my dream. They worked so hard to debut, so I can also work hard to accomplish my goals. Their trainee stories cheer me up and also break my heart, knowing how much they had to go through. Although we may not be on the same paths, I learned so much about persistence—not giving up on yourself.

Picture: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6loMn4yvRJ/?img_index=1 (first photo, group)
I would have to say being part of the community of other MOA. I visited a cafe during an anniversary event here in Hawaii, and it was amazing how we all came together to celebrate the guys. Of course, I love watching Lives and variety show content. Waiting for a new comeback is always so exciting as well.
I’ve had the privilege to go to TXT concerts both in Seoul and LA. It was electrifying! It was so surreal to see the members after I supported them from afar for so long. Being in the same room as other MOA and singing along to all the songs I’ve listened to were a dream come true.
It seems that a lot of people think that newer generations of K-pop are not vocally capable. I would love to point them to Huening Kai and Taehyun’s cover of “Endless Rain.” Hearing the two members belt high and use their voice to the fullest potential says a lot about the talent of TOMORROW X TOGETHER.
Hi Beomgyu, Huening Kai, Taehyun, Soobin, and Yeonjun. It’s been a while since I became a MOA. Thank you so much for your hard work, for always loving your fans and for giving your all to everything you do. I find comfort knowing that we are walking this earth at the same time! I hope to see you all many more times in concert. More than that, I hope to always tell you how much you’ve inspired me. Fighting!
I would love to do something lowkey, such as go to the bookstore or the boba cafe together. Afterwards, because I love their PC bang content so much, I’d love to play some computer games with them. I would have to go for the online game MapleStory since we would be able to make a perfect party of 6. The day would have to end with a good meal at a hot pot buffet.
Video: PC room video (TO DO):
I’ve cried and laughed with my bias many times. One moment that sticks out with me is during a Live, where Beomgyu began to sing “Never Not” by Lauv. A few seconds later, I began to sing along. It felt surreal to be singing the same song at once. At the time, I was going through quite a lot, such as healing from heartbreak and mental illness. It felt like a healing moment.
I’m not a very good cook, but I would do everything I can to make the best meal possible. I would make some bread for Soobin and egg tarts for Huening Kai. After that sweet appetizer, I would bust out a pho recipe, which I know Yeonjun would love. We would have to have some caramel macchiato to drink along with the food, which Taehyun would appreciate (I feel like I would excel with this since I used to be a barista). I would have to buy an assortment of jelly candies for Beomgyu.
I feel like the first question about what I’d do with TXT was almost too much for my delulu brain. But I love this question! I would like to start off the day with going to a cozy cafe (I would really have to learn more Korean). Then, we can go get tteokbokki from a street stall, then try to rank up while playing League of Legends. I’d show him some of my favorite phone games, then we’d try to write a song together (lol!). I am an aspiring rapper so it would be great for Beomgyu to sing the chorus. For dinner we could cook some ramyeon and watch our favorite shows. Honestly, I would try to talk as much as possible and write everything down that he says. It would be so hard to say goodbye at the end of the day!
I have to share two songs, “Trust Fund Baby” and “Poppin’ Star.” “Trust Fund Baby” is the perfect enchanting ballad, but a lot of people have mixed feelings about it. “Poppin’ Star” is a great song to cheer you up, or if you’re in the mood to dance (I even created a signature move for my imaginary routine).
I have to dig deep and recommend one of their Christmas Lives. In this one, you get to see the TXT members bust a move to “Santa Tell Me” by Ariana Grande. This video is amazing to watch during the holiday season.
Yes! I made a precious friend who lives in New York thanks to TOMORROW X TOGETHER. We talk about everything TXT, and it’s great to cheer the guys on together.
I also went to study in Korea for a summer and another 11 months. I made so many amazing friends because of my love for K-pop. One of my friends doesn’t love K-pop exactly, but she listens to my love for TXT. She even helped me buy concert tickets in the scary online queue, which I’m eternally grateful for. When I went to concerts in Seoul, I got to go with two other MOA. It was such a fun time. And last year, I made another friend—we both needed pictures of us by the venue! It was so great to hang out before the show started.