A MOOMOO In Dubai Wants The World To Know Korea’s Hidden Gem That Is MAMAMOO’s Jung WheeIn

WheeIn Official / Kpopmap

Ggomi, a MOOMOO who lives in Dubai, talks about what made her a fan of MAMAMOO and her bias WheeIn. Read on to see her favorite content from both group and WheeIn herself, and find out more about MAMAMOO through her fan experience.


Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?

I’m Ggomi, an expat from Dubai.


How and when did you enter the fandom?

I am part of the MAMAMOO fandom, a MOOMOO since 2019. I got into the fandom as I was commenting on a 2NE1 video, saying how much I miss them, and then a random person replied to me that I should check out MAMAMOO because they have similar vibes when it comes to having fun on stage. You see, I have very high standards on live stage performances (this is your fault Wonder Girls & 2NE1!) and MAMAMOO just checks all the boxes.


What are the reasons why you love your favorite artist?

Oh gosh, where do I start? First of all, finding a bias in MAMAMOO is difficult because the group consists of 4 crazy talented soloists. As I was gushing over this new group that I discovered, I noticed that one member, by the name of Jung WheeIn, is actually the hidden gem of the group. You know that feeling of already being in awe and then finding a treasure? I initially thought her voice is not as powerful, but when I saw her competing on “Immortal Songs” with other veteran singers, she blew me away. Girl can sing, SING! With such versatile tone & range, she often steps back to harmonize and bridge the voices of her members, even if it means less spotlight for her, so the group can shine as a whole. They call her the backbone of MAMAMOO. And once you find just one amusing thing about her, there’s no going back. There’s SO. MUCH. MORE. It’s an actual phenomenon called “Once you WheeIN, you can’t WheeOUT”. WheeIn is actually an ACE. She’s a silent genius who excels in everything she does, especially in music and art. She’s one of the best female K-Pop dancers out there (see proof below). She is an introvert (she’s lying when she says otherwise) who is so awkward around strangers but becomes a firecracker when around people she’s close with. She’s a ray of sunshine who is naturally funny with a contagious laugh. She struggles with the fame and popularity that comes with being a K-Pop idol, especially if it hinders her passion for music. She is brave for stepping out of her comfort zone, signing with another label to manage her solo music, which she now has full control over, all while still being part of MAMAMOO. Everyone thought it was impossible, but she says “Trust me,” and with that, released her mini album under her new label AND also toured the world as a MAMAMOO member this year. She loves her fans dearly.


Which song by WheeIn caught your attention at first and why?

‘Anymore’, her featuring in JUNGKEY’s album. WheeIn can nail different music genres but BALLADS is that genre that chose her. I don’t understand Korean but my heart aches when she sings… it hurts… then it heals. Her voice has this magical element that just makes your soul soar.


This song reached #1 on music charts even with zero promotions.


Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?

Title track recommendation is the underrated ‘EASY (feat. Sik-K)’, from her first album “MAGNOLIA.” I really feel like WheeIn is a trendsetter and her music is just ahead of its time. ‘EASY’ was released way back in 2018 where this genre is not well known. But notice the recent music trend lately. It has this similar easy-listening, vibey sound.


‘EASY (feat. Sik-K)’, feature Just Jerk dancers YoonYoung &  LeeJung Lee (now YGX). Both dancers’ first K-Pop artist to work with was with WheeIn. They are still close friends to this day, with YoonYoung being the choreographer of WheeIn’s latest songs.
My B-side recommendation would be her self-written song for her fans: ‘SPRINGTIME’. She always writes at least one fan song every time she releases a mini album.


WheeIn is born in April 17, 1995 (Spring).


Can you recommend a fancam, V-Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your favorite artist to our readers?

You can tell she’s a fan of BTS by not choosing a famous BTS song to cover. She once went for a B-side and added her unique twist to it. Here’s ‘DIMPLE’ from Ms. Dimple Girl herself.


Here’s a taste on how good she is with syncing with other artists. Here’s a short duet with AKMU’s Lee ChanHyuk.


Dancer WheeIn, anyone? This is what we call MOOMOO privilege because she only does these dance covers exclusively during fan signs but she’s slaying as if it’s her solo concert.


Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?

“I’m still a dreamer. I’m gonna raise me up. I want more colors for me.”  – ‘Water Color’
There was a period in time when WheeIn suffered from severe anxiety. It was at a point where she couldn’t even board the plane to US for a K-Pop event and was instead rushed to the hospital. She continued getting treatment while still attending schedules (being in competitions like “Queendom” & “Immortal Songs,” and releasing an album with MAMAMOO). I love the lyrics of ‘Water Color’ because it felt like a battle cry. This song was the title track of her final album in her old label before moving out and starting fresh. This is her finally taking control over her life and fighting for her own happiness. (Who’s cutting onions?)


Are there any quotes by your favorite artist that you would like to share?

“The shape of love is diverse. Whatever form it is, it’s all the same love.”


WheeIn always incorporates music with her art. This painting was for her song ‘GOODBYE’. The music video hints on a W|W love story – something that is still a heavy topic in Korea and could potentially get any idol to be cancelled. But WheeIn got the message across in a subtle but clear and artistic way.


What kind of influence has your favorite artist had on your daily life?

WheeIn is an inspiring person in that she values the best things in life. She focuses on making music and spending time with good people. In the words of her manager who followed her from her old label to the new: “SHE’S THE REAL DEAL”. And it’s true. She’s a natural born talent who doesn’t chase after fame but rather, makes music that she and her fans will enjoy for a long time. While the K-Pop industry has turned into a big money making business, she refuse to follow the trend. She practically left her old company right when it’s at its peak (buying a building, acquiring other K-Pop agencies, registering in the stock market) and she chose to sign in a small company with only 2 artists. Talk about humble beginnings. I want to live with a similar mindset, to not be swayed by what the world deems “Important”. Sticking to the basics and flourishing from there. Also, her music. I always have WheeIn’s music playlist and it puts my heart at peace and makes me happy.


What is your favorite side of fangirling?

Honestly? It’s meeting other people who share the same interest as me in music & other topics related to WheeIn & MAMAMOO. That feeling of belonging in a community of like minds, even if we don’t see each other physically, is enough to warm my heart.


Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite artist from other fans (non-fans)?

A lot of fans/non-fans feel bad for WheeIn for being the “Least popular” member but I just want you to know that you don’t need to feel sorry for her because she’s surrounded by her amazing team and is supported by a lot of good people. She might not be in the level of “fame” in your standards but I assure you, your metrics is the least of her concerns. Her music is loved by so many people in and out of the fandom, she has creative control over her contents, music, art, schedule – and is having fun while doing it. And most importantly, you can see from her smile that the dark hovering clouds from the past is gone.


Can you recommend words that your bias like to hear to new fans who don’t know yet about it?

It really warms WheeIn’s hearts when you say “Thank you for singing.”


What’s your favorite 2023 moment involving your bias?

The release of her first full length album “IN THE MOOD,” wherein all songs are chef’s kisses.


Name a variety show/content show that you would love to see your bias on? Tell us why.

IU’s YouTube show, “Lee MuJin Service” on YouTube, Bambam’s “Bam House” on YouTube.


If your bias were to collab with another idol, who do you think would be best?

All the main vocals, come out!


What is the biggest mystery about your favorite idol?

She has this parking game app but still cannot drive, SMH.


If you go to only one, would you go to a concert, fan meeting, or fan sign?



Ggomi’s message for WheeIn and the readers:

To Wheein,
Thank you for fighting for your dreams. Thank you for singing. I love you!
To you who’s reading this, stan WHEEIN! You won’t regret it :).

This article was created by a Fan Writer and posted without edits, according to our guidelines. Views expressed are solely those of the Fan Writer and not representative of Kpopmap.
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