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Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.
There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’s stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.
So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.
Toluwani Ogedengbe from the US is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of Stray Kids, particularly of Bang Chan and Felix! Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hi, my name is Toluwani Ogedengbe and I’m from the United States.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I became a STAY on December 16th of last year. I entered the Stray Kids fandom after listening to ‘CASE 143’ on Spotify, and I loved the song. Later, my sister encouraged me to listen to ‘God’s Menu’. Then, I decided to listen to more of their music, and that lead to me loving the group.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?
I began to love Stray Kids because of the uniqueness of their music. I had never heard anything like the music that they make and I was immediately drawn to it. Everything about Stray Kids impresses me. I also enjoy their funny personalities and the way they truly care about STAY.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
The person who caught my attention first was Felix. When I listened to ‘CASE 143’, I was very surprised by his extremely deep voice. I had never expected it from him, so hearing it was a shocking experience.
Who is your bias, and why?
My biases are currently Bang Chan and Felix. Bang Chan became my bias very quickly after I saw how amazing of a rapper and vocalist he is and how much he cares for his fans. Felix became my bias when I witnessed his happy, sunshine personality contrast with his extremely deep voice.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
A title track I would recommend is ‘Maniac’ from their album “ODDINARY” and a B-side is ‘Get Cool’ from their album “I am YOU”.
Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
A fancam for Felix that I would suggest is the ‘God’s Menu’ (Stray Kids Felix fancam) from “MCOUNTDOWN” (2020.6.18). A fancam I would recommend for Bang Chan is the [K-Fancam] ‘Case 143’ (Stray Kids Bangchan Fancam) from “Music Bank” (22.10.070.
Can you also do the same type of recommendation for the group?
I would recommend Stray Kids’ “KINDGOM: LEGENDARY WAR” performance ‘God’s Ddu du Ddu du’, which is a mash-up song of BLACKPINK’s “Ddu du Ddu du’ and their song ‘God’s Menu’.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
One of my favorite lyrics is “There’s no rush, my pace. Don’t compare yourself with others. It’s okay to run slower.” from ‘My Pace’. Another of my favorite lyrics is “Cooking like a chef, I’m a five-star Michelin. You reached the peak of taste, that’s an illusion.” from ‘God’s Menu’.
For you, what is your bias’ best stage outfits until now?
One of my favorite outfits that Felix wore is from “KINGDOM: LEGENDARY WAR” – ‘God’s Ddu du Ddu du’.
For Bang Chan, a favorite outfit of mine would be from ‘Circus’.
Do you have a dream subunit/unit?
My dream subunit would be DANCERACHA of Stray Kids and the Performance team from SEVENTEEN.
What do you think is the most underrated song by your favourite idol group/soloist?
The most underrated Stray Kids songs in my opinion would be either ‘3rd Eye’ or ‘Astonaut’.
What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?
Stay Kids brings me happiness and makes me laugh and smile. Everyday, I’m reminded by them to be happy and live life to the fullest.
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite group from other fans (non-fans)?
A common misunderstanding about Stray Kids is that the music they make is just nonsense and noisy, but it isn’t. All of the songs they make have a deeper meaning to them and are all amazingly composed, written, and choreographed by them.
Thank you for answering our questions, Toluwani Ogedengbe.
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