An Image of Skincare products captured by Canva
Welcome to the 10th Chapter of my Escape To Explore Series where in this article, I share my experience with skincare here in Korea! With only a few weeks left of my internship here in Seoul its been really amazing tasking you along this journey with me. If you haven’t checkout my latest articles please click on the links right here to read more about my journey here in Seoul!
(Chapter 6)ย ย (Chapter 7) ย (Chapter 8)ย ย (Chapter 9)
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Chapter 10
Having settled in and explored Seoul over the past month, it was a good time to share my skincare experience. As many of you know, Skincare and K-Beauty are huge here in Korea and are expanding more than ever! Even the skincare routines in Korea are now being watched and followed by people worldwide. One of the most talked about topics besides Korean food, K-Pop, and K-Dramas is skin. Before coming here, I was excited to experiment with particular products to see what products worked for my skin, and before I do, I wanted to share with you the stores I first shopped at regarding skincare.
Essential Skincare Productsย
People follow or have their skincare routines, but there is something that they all have in common… the basics. When it comes to skincare routines, everyone always uses the primary products, and then you can expand from there. What I mean by primary products, aka the essential products, are cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen. These three products are vital to maintaining clear skin. You expand by adding exfoliation, toners, serums, eye creams, etc. Maintaining clear skin can be challenging, but it’s a great feeling once you find the right products for you and a good regime. If you don’t know where to start, find the primary products and figure out which works best for you! Once you get the basics down, you can add other products in the mix that can help keep your skin healthy and glowing!
Well-Known Shops To Go For Skincare In Seoul
1. Olive Young
Before coming here, I had yet to learn what Olive Young was. Since there was one Olive Young at the end of my block where I was staying, I decided to go for the first time with other interns. We stayed up to an hour just browsing around and figuring out which product was the best for each of our skins. It was great seeing a wide variety of products, but at the same time, it was a bit overwhelming because we needed to figure out where to start.
A few weeks after getting into the groove of my program and the internship, I had the opportunity to revisit Olive Young with my co-workers after dinner. It was enjoyable, and they gave me many excellent recommendations on products that might work well for my skin. I ended up buying many products, and out of the skincare products that I experimented on, the product shown below is one of the best for my skin.
Everyone’s skin is different, so it might not work for everyone, but this product is slowly helping me clear away my blemishes and redness. I added this to my skin regime every morning and night before bed. It even came with an under-eye cream, which has also been helping me brighten my dark circles! If you have similar problems, feel free to check this product out!
Another product that has been helpful to the face would be these face wipes you see below. I always had difficulty with makeup wipes because they were either extremely dry once I opened a new pack or one to two wipes needed to take more makeup off my face, and I had to end up using 5 or 6 wipes. These, here, are wipes that are long-lasting. I only use two wipes at most, which are fully moisturized, and a little fragrant, and my face doesn’t feel super dry after taking the makeup off.
So far, these are the top 2 products I am using right now, and I already see an improvement in my scarring and not having my skin super dry all the time, especially now that it is winter season. I will keep searching and experimenting with more products, such as masks, creams, and serums, over the next few weeks, as there are many high-quality products to choose from here in Korea!
2. Sephora
Popular in the states and other countries worldwide, I discovered Sephora in Korea. The first time I went into Sephora to look around and browse was with my program coordinators and other interns. We ended up scheduling a shopping day on a Sunday and going to the Mario Mall in Gasan-dong. As we explored the mall, there was, surprisingly enough, a Sephora inside the mall itself, and that is when I looked at what was inside.
Once I got inside, I noticed it had a very similar layout to Sephora’s back home in the states. What was different, however, was that they were mainly Korean products that you can only get in Korea, nowhere else. Even the packaging over here for products is different as well. There was so much to see at once, and even though we couldn’t stay for very long, I would definitely go back and spend some more time there. Sephora is a great shop selling makeup and skincare products for you to try and purchase! Below you can see some makeup products they sold in Sephora that day.
3. Innisfree
Innisfree is a South Korean brand I have heard about for a while, even before coming to Seoul. What I needed to be made aware of was much like Sephora. I just found out it was such a popular store here. Only two doors down, I explored my first Innisfree store and was very surprised. Not knowing before going in what it would be like it, I was very impressed with the number of different products they were selling. It wasn’t only skincare products but also hair, hair, and skincare accessories, as well as fragrances and scents. Innisfree has a very meditative and relaxing mood which I wasn’t expecting, and I have been there 2 or 3 times; I want to visit a few more times before I leave!
Introduction To Facial Masks
The number one product that has made a significant impact on my skincare routine is Facial Masks. I may be late in the game, but I see how using facial masks improves your skin! Because there are so many different brands and face masks out there, it’s challenging to figure out which one works best for you or even at least try to figure out which one to start with. When it comes to my relationship with masks, it’s been an evolving one. Like many others, I change facial masks and jump around from brand to brand every once in a while.
On top of that, you want to figure out which facial mask helps with whatever you want to improve, such as sheet masks, cream masks, clay masks, gel masks, etc. Whether it is exfoliation, hydration, etc., facial masks significantly improve your skin. I also love how most masks take up only ten to fifteen minutes, so it doesn’t take up too much time, and your face feels refreshed, and it’s just an extra step to scrub your pores and get rid of all the buildups in your skin.
My Top Favorite Facial Masks
Now I know I’m only scrubbing the surface of skincare, and to be honest, I am still a beginner so take my clinical knowledge about skincare with a grain of salt :). As someone not certified in dermatology, I am going off based on my experiences and what I have tried to help me with my acne. These products you see below are a mix between Korean Brands and American brands that I have seen a massive improvement on my face.
1. Dead Sea Mud Mask
The Dead Sea Mud Mask is the clay mask I currently use. I came across this mask after discovering that the charcoal masks weren’t working out for me. This product is the best one for me in terms of having smooth, glowing skin after washing it off. In case you didn’t know, the Dead Sea is a salt lake bordering Jordan that has become the location for health and research. It is known for treating other skin conditions, such as psoriasis and cystic fibrosis, from the minerals in the sea. It’s becoming more of an attraction for tourists to go and swim in. In terms of skin, many people scrub themselves in the sea with the mud on the ocean floor. The salt and magnesium in the ocean purify the skin making it smooth and glow. Tying this back into facial masks and putting the same minerals on my face as a clay mask has improved my skin immensely, cleared out my pores, fixed my discoloration, and toned out my entire face.
2. Gleamin Vitamin C Clay Mask
Gleamin is one of the most refreshing clay masks I have ever tried. Recommended by my sister, Gleamin is a great Vitamin C Mask that leaves your skin glowing. Only adding 10 minutes to your regime helps detoxify your pores, get rid of intense redness to your acne, and help fade acne scarring. This product is one of the most natural skincare products I have used, including Aloe Vera. I still use it every once in a while whenever I need a glow or just a different enhancer to smooth out my skin. As someone with sensitive skin, I recommend this product for all skin combinations as it’s not too heavy on your skin, and at the same time, you feel like you’ve gained a layer of new smooth skin on your face afterward!
3. Laneige Water Sleeping Mask
Now, the Laneige Water Sleeping Mask is one that I used for the first time in Seoul. It was recommended by a few of the interns and my program coordinators. When I went to Olive Young, I saw it on the shelf and impulsively bought it to find out if it worked for me. This is the first lip mask I have ever tried, and let me say it does live up to the hype. This product is one of the best products I have ever used and one of the quickest and most efficient products in terms of seeing improvement and results quickly, having used it for 2-3 weeks.
4. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Sheet Mask
This Sheet Mask was one of the first sheet masks I used, and I quickly recognized the results. As I mentioned earlier, I have combination skin, and particularly in the winter, my skin gets extremely dry like many. This Hydro boost sheet mask is all in the name. It keeps your face moisturized, and I use it early in the morning before putting on makeup and before I go to bed. This product works the buy, particularly during the winter season. I recommend this product as this will keep your face looking hydrated, fresh, and smooth all day long!
5. Mediheal Sheet Mask
Mediheal is one of the most popular brands in South Korea. I ended up trying this sheet mask for the first time recently. This particular sheet mask impacted my skin for the better. It got rid of any redness on my face once taken off. My complexion is a lot brighter and smoother. It was a genuine surprise when I first tried it because It was one of those times when I didn’t check to see if it would work well with my skin and purchased it impulsively. Still, I’m glad I experimented a little, and the results were positive, especially on sensitive skin like mine. I also highly recommend trying out this product if you are looking for other mask brands!
The Importance Of Using Skin Products And Face Masks
It couldn’t hurt to add an extra step to your skincare routine with face masks. I use them once or twice a week, and I see a big difference in my skin the more I use them. I have been using skincare products since I was young when I first developed acne, and I have been evolving in skincare products ever since. It’s essential to keep your skin healthy and experiment with different products to see which ones are the right fit for you! I am still learning to understand my skin, and it’s essential to always keep up with your health and skin. I have also experienced that finding the proper skincare for you can sometimes be frustrating or overwhelming. It’s also exhilarating. I love seeing the improvement of my skin and on my way to a clear skin path. It does help with my confidence and how I present myself in front of others. Whether your skincare is three steps or 13 steps, everyone’s skincare journey is different, and I am glad I got to share some of my favorite products and experiences in Seoul with all of you!
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapters Escape to Explore Series! As we are heading to the final few chapters, I will dive into the various attractions and locations I have visited in Seoul. Stay tuned and checkout my next article coming out soon!
If you haven’t read my previous article and want to read about my experience so far in Seoul, checkout the articles below. Enjoy!
Escape To Explore Series: My Journey So Far In SeoulCULTURE by FansNov 30, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: Nightlife In SeoulCULTURE by FansNov 28, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: My First Karaoke Experience In SeoulCULTURE by FansNov 23, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: Tasting Korean Food And Soju In SeoulCULTURE by FansNov 22, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: My Shopping Adventure In Seoul!CULTURE by FansNov 15, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: Using The Seoul Metro For The First TimeCULTURE by FansNov 11, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: Meet The Interns!!!CULTURE by FansNov 9, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: What It Feels Like To Arrive In SeoulCULTURE by FansNov 7, 2022
Escape To Explore Series: My First Solo Travel To SeoulCULTURE by FansNov 3, 2022