Weeekly Official / Kpopmap
Moon, Kelly, Byron, and Aren are Daileees from around the world, who wish to share about their love for Weeekly, and their favorite content from the group and its members. Read their interview below!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
I’m Moon (all pronouns), 17 and I’m from Uruguay 🌙. Moon 🌙 Hi, my name is Kelly (she/they), I’m 21 and from Georgia in the United States. Kelly 🌈 My name is Byron my Twitter username is @yeppeossong, I’m one of the admins from Daileee Space and I’m from Belgium. Byron 🍚 I am Aren, an admin of the global fanbase called Daileee Space. I am 21 years old and I am from Turkiye. Aren ☁️
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I entered the fandom when ‘After School’ was trending on TikTok back in 2021. I saw the music video and was immediately sucked in by the members skills and Weeekly’s story. 🌙 I started my journey with Weeekly in late January 2022, but I’d say I really entered the fandom March of 2022. I had some friends that were more casually into Weeekly, and they thought I would like them, so they showed me all of their songs. I realized pretty quickly that they were the perfect K-Pop group for me. 🌈 I found Weeekly through a YouTube reaction video and I immediately became a fan back in 2020. But I didn’t officially join the Twitter/X fandom until the beginning of 2021 because I was too shy to interact with other fans first but now I have so many amazing friends and would love to have more :)). 🍚 I started supporting them when their first “MUSIC CIRCLE” video on 1TheK account was released. After that I watched all their predebut content and I have been stanning them since. ☁️
What are the reasons why you love Weeekly?
I love Weeekly because of the music and the love that the girls put into it. I also really like the story that they’ve created. 🌙 I love Weeekly because, aside from their music being my absolute favorite in K-Pop, they make me happy. You can tell from watching content of them for even a second that they really love each other, and that creates so much positivity in my life. 🌈 All the girls are super talented and super funny. Also they’re like family, they’re super close and even just as fan you feel like you’re close with them because they share so much stuff with us. 🍚 First of all, they’re all extremely talented and I love listening to them sing watching them perform They really look like they enjoy being on stage and performing which makes me wanna watch them even more. But their personalities are what made me stick around for years. They’re all so kind and loving. I love their relationship with each other and with us (Daileees). ☁️
Who caught your attention at first and why?
Monday, because of how pretty she is and her amazing vocals and dance skills. 🌙 The first member that caught my attention was Monday. I saw a picture of Weeekly, and I felt like I just had to know who that girl was. Immediately after hearing her voice and seeing how funny she was, I was sold. 🌈 SooJin caught my eye first because of her beautiful vocals and the way she performs. When she’s on stage she turns into this completely different person. Off stage she’s a kind and shy person that doesn’t talk as much as other members. But onstage, she’s shining even if she doesn’t want to. Her skills and her facial expressions make her stand out. After watching her ‘Trainee Girl’ stage, I knew she would be one of my favorites. ☁️
Who is your bias, and why?
My bias is Monday. She caught my attention first with her skills, and then I fell in love with her personality. She’s incredibly funny and sweet. 🌙 My bias is still Monday, but pretty soon after getting into Weeekly, JaeHee caught my eye too. Now I love all six of them just about equally. It’s impossible to only have so much love for one member of Weeekly. 🌈 I don’t have one bias because I love all of them so much, it feels like I have a different bias every day of the week. 🍚 If you’re a Daileee, you would know it’s extremely hard to have one bias only. So like all the other Daileees I have a bias line. SooJin and SoEun are my favorites, but I love all the members so much. What makes SoEun and SooJin stand out for me is their personalities and their chemistry together. They seem like completely opposite people but in reality they’re really similar to each other. They’re always considerate of others, and I love the way they talk to us fans. They have this calming energy, that’s why I watch their videos when I need to feel better. And when they’re together, it’s hard not to look at them, especially when they’re performing together. ☁️
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
I always recommend starting with tracks from “We Are,” ‘_Tag Me (@Me)’ and ‘Hello’. These are great songs to start with. 🌙
For a title track, I’m recommending ‘_Tag Me (@Me)’, not only because it’s my favorite, but I feel it represents Weeekly as a group well!
For a B-side, I’m recommending ‘Check It Out’. I think it’s a fun song and lots of people would love it if they knew it. Watch a performance video here: 🌈
‘Zig Zag’ is my favourite title track from Weeekly, and it’s so underrated. I wish more people especially daileees would show it more love.
For B-side, ‘Top Secret’. It’s a very precious B-side because it’s a fansong and it’s just amazing. Every Daileee should listen to this song. 🍚
The album “We Can” is my personal favorite and ‘Zig Zag’ is my favorite title track from Weeekly.
For B-side track, I’ll recommend my all time favorite ‘Top Secret’. It is their first fansong. ☁️
Can you recommend a fancam, VLive, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
It’s hard to choose. Monday is one of the members with the most solo content, I believe. But her performance on “Double Trouble” of ‘Love me or Leave me’ by DAY6 is shocking every time I watch it. 🌙 Monday has so many incredible covers, but the one I’d like to highlight is her cover of Demi Lovato’s ‘Heart Attack’, in which she challenged herself vocally and succeeded at it. It blew my mind. 🌈 This is a must-watch video for every Daileee: 🍚
This is from the best “Queendom Puzzle” stage. ‘Only One’ Park SoEun fancam. ☁️
And here’s SooJin and SoEun covering ‘Naughty’ by Red Velvet’s Irene & SeulGi. We call SooJin and SoEun “4th gen’s SeulRene”. ☁️
Can you also recommend a content video by Weeekly?
I really like “We Clear.” It’s and old one but a good one. 🌙
I love Weeekly’s covers. My absolute favorites are their cover of ‘NoNoNo’ by Apink, ‘Very NIce’ by SEVENTEEN, and their relay dance cover of ‘Red Flavor’ by Red Velvet. 🌈 Weeekly’s ‘Viva La Vida’ cover! 🍚
I would recommend watching all of their SEVENTEEN covers but here’s one of my favorites. They make the best SEVENTEEN covers. ☁️
Also for variety series, I recommend watching “We Clear”. It’s from their debut era but it’s one of those series that’ll make you get to know them in such a short time. ☁️
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
“Your smile like the sunshine
I’ve only seen it in my dreams
I don’t think it’s a fantasy
You’re shining my reality.”
– The English translation of the lyrics of ‘Reality’. 🌙 Monday’s rap from ‘_Tag Me (@Me)’ are my favorite lyrics of any Weeekly song. This is the English translation:
“I can’t be defined by any word in a dictionary
Well, if I had to explain myself well
Like a proper noun? (Maybe) I’m me, not anyone else.”
These lyrics are important to me because I grew up always being very different from everyone else, and felt ashamed of that, but these lyrics, and all of the lyrics in ‘_Tag Me (@Me)’ as a whole, remind me that it’s actually a better thing to be different and not to worry about being judged. 🌈 “Nyanyanyanyanya” from ‘_Tag Me (@Me)’. 🍚 This song is so dear to me because it is a song they sing for each other. It’s ‘Lucky’ by Weeekly. Here’s the English lyrics:
“But what if I cannot hold you with my hands?
If I am far away, unable to hold you
When I’m lost here and there, you would cry
You, don’t worry
(Because we will meet somewhere and somehow)
Believe me, yes, I′m a lucky girl.” ☁️
Are there any words from the members you would like to share?
Monday said once, “In every future I draw, I always see Daileee in them.” She always emphasizes how important Daileee’s are in her life, and it makes us all feel very appreciated. 🌈 “K-Pop industry is shaking because of Weeekly.” 🍚 “7 is the lucky number right?” ☁️
What is Weeekly’s group/bias’ influence on your daily life?
They’ve really increased my creative drive, so to speak. The members talk about things they want to do and I like to sketch them up. Like one time, JaeHee expressed how she wanted an album concept to go and I started looking into music production and designing it. 🌙 The biggest thing Weeekly brings me is happiness. I have hard times very often, and they never fail to make me happy even then. If there’s one thing I have always tried to tell them, it’s that. 🌈 Because of Weeekly, I have the dream of becoming a music producer and one day make music for Weeekly 💗. 🍚 They make me feel better when I’m feeling down, and watching their content made learning Korean easier for me. ☁️
What is your favorite side of fangirling/ fanboying?
The community that is built over this shared interest. We help each other, we create for each other. We share our happiness. 🌙 My favorite side of fangirling is getting to share that with other people. Whether it be sharing Weeekly content with my closest friends, or freaking out about a picture member posted on the timeline, it’s amazing to have other people there. 🌈 I love sharing the same feelings about Weeekly with other people. I don’t have any K-Pop friends in real life so I can’t talk about Weeekly or K-Pop that much, but on platforms like X or Instagram or YouTube, I can. I love talking about Weeekly because they’re my favourite group who make me happy. 🍚
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about Weeekly from other fans (non-fans)?
We feel like during “Play Game: Awake” era, a lot of prejudice and misunderstandings happened. Weeekly didn’t suddenly change into the girl crush concept. “Play Game: Holiday,” the album before, was already steering away from the cute concept Weeekly was known for. And the members had verbally expressed their desire to try a new concept, as well as regularly doing covers of songs that are less cutesy. I don’t think it was a bad choice to make nor was it “too mature” for Weeekly. We hope non-fans understand and respect the work the group has put into every album no matter the concept. Let’s learn that idols shouldn’t be put into a box and let them express themselves artistically. 🌙, 🌈, 🍚, ☁️
Daileees’ message for Weeekly members:
Monday and Jaehee! Let’s keep working hard!! 🌙 Monday, I always want you to know that you make me feel so appreciated. Always show your love for Daileees, we will always love you back! Weeekly fighting! I’ll always be by your side. 🌈 Weeekly is the best group ever with the best and most talented girls ever and deserve more fans and support. I hope people will tune into Weeekly’s comeback on November 1st and give them lots of love 💗. Also follow DaileeeSpace on every platform to get more info and content about Weeekly 💗. 🍚 You guys are doing great. I am always so proud of how far you guys have come. We will keep doing all we can for you guys as Daileees. I hope you guys will keep enjoying what you do. Please stay happy and healthy. Love all of you so much 🤍 Please follow our fanbase DaileeeSpace on all platforms! We post Weeekly content and guides! ☁️