HyungWon Of MONSTA X Officially Reveals His YouTube Channel “Life Without A Plan”

MONSTA X HyungWon's Life Without A Plan YouTube Channel Screenshot

The official YouTube Channel “Life Without A Plan,” which was originally created on July 28, 2023 shocked fans by releasing its first video yesterday on August 25, 2023, revealing HyungWon of MONSTA X to be the official owner of the channel. 

HyungWon quietly made the announcement of his first official solo self-filmed YouTube Vlog by editing his Instagram bio. Out of curiosity, thousands of MONBEBEs were quick to follow that the channel actually belonged to the beloved member Chae HyungWon of MONSTA X! 

HyungWon Of MONSTA X Officially Reveals His YouTube Channel “Life Without A Plan”

MONSTA X HyungWon’s Instagram Screenshot

HyungWon’s Channel “Life Without A Plan” currently shares a video of HyungWon enjoying time off, relaxing and possibly taking time off from a hike, as he sits down the camera and rests. 

The channel itself already has an impressive 36.3K subscribers and growing. Many fans assume the channel itself will be used to promote the solo activities and modeling activities of HyungWon, or showing off new hobbies, behind the scenes and more. Many speculate on future content the idol might provide, striking curiosity. 

Previously HyungWon was announced as a new model of the French luxury brand Givenchy Beauty, and is part of MONSTA X’s first sub-unit, ShowNu x HyungWon

Are you looking forward to HyungWon’s future activities? What type of videos do you think there will be? Don’t forget to check out the official first video here!

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