With only a couple more days to go until we officially reach the new year and as stated before, its often the time of reflection, the want or need to start a new hobby or make new goals we want to accomplish in the next year. For many people this could be finding their new talents, interests or even ‘reinventing’ themselves both online or offline, finding a new fashion style, community to be apart of or for some finding new artists that matches their new tastes, or finding those artists that remind you of an old memory or style you used to enjoy.
As each individual is unique in their own right in so many different aspects like the saying goes, although no one is identically the same, we can find a lot of connection through music and find friends through the hobby itself. Through this, we tend to find the communities on whatever social media we prefer and connect with the most, sometimes though it can be overwhelming or even difficult to find those artists we are looking for with all the options, sub genres and sub labels out there, leaving an endless rabbit hole to go into, sometimes for the best and for the worst.
In K-Pop although there is a lot of creatives and those who take part in producing, composing or even choreography, sometimes developing their own musical style and tastes is more difficult with group activities, this leading some idols and other artists within the scene to find another outlet to share their personalities and tastes with fans. For many they head to sites like SoundCloud to release songs in numerous genres, and comforting songs to fans, let’s go through a couple popular and well beloved accounts, to others that should be on your radar to! (Other popular accounts: BTS, Park Chanyeol (EXO), SF9 Zuho, DEAN, CRUSH, B.I and Seventeen.
1. Kim Mujin (The Kingdom).
Mujin’s Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sungho-ko-516019987 .
My Personal recommendations for cozy/ rainy day playlists: Rainy Day, Bright and Bus Stop.
2. BX of CIX.
BX’s SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-867209201
My Favourite and personal suggestions: 367&5 (Cover) and DPR Live Jasmine (Cover).
3. WayV Kun.
Kun’s SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/kunxd
4. ONF’s MinKyun.
MK’s SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/cxcx9402
My Favourites and personal suggestions: Promise U by ONF, Mistake.
5. Yuto Adachi (Pentagon).
Yuto’s SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/yuto_adachi
My Personal recommendation: You’re the main character and KURO.
6. Demain. (Soloist, Producer, Writer).
Demain’s SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/demian_isme. And my personal recommendations for a cozy evening: 6 Days, run away.
7. Xydo (Park Chiwoong) Soloist and Producer.
One of my favourite producers and singers for a very long time, he has an incredible voice and I wish more knew about his music and his talent in general. He’s also really good at photography in my opinion and is someone I often recommend to those looking for a new artist and producer.
You can find his Soundcloud here: https://soundcloud.com/xxxydo
8. Oceanfromtheblue. (Kang Juwon) (Formerly known as OCEAN).
One of the first artists who would ever like my Instagram comment after joining the platform again after a long term hiatus, although I am no longer on the app it was a really cool moment. He calls his fandom ‘Fishes’/ ‘His Fishes’, and has a really sweet and wholesome connection fans, he often uses the blue heart/ blue emojis.
His SoundCloud has a lot of Go+/ Premium songs but is worth checking out, he has a lot on other music platforms as well!. https://soundcloud.com/oceanfromtheblue
9. NCT Taeyong.
When I first got introduced to NCT in late 2017/ early 2018 Taeyong was my ‘bias’ before I even had an understanding of the word, not just because of the similarities of hobbies and music styles he had, but also his overall charms and care for fans. Taeyong is someone I look up to a lot and enjoy his styles, I found out about his SoundCloud when he only had three tracks there, although he is currently serving in the Navy, I find a lot of comfort in his tracks, especially the track he did with Baekhyun.
If you are needing cozy and comforting songs, I personally recommend Rose, Fine, BLUE and Swimming Pool.
10. Chihoon (Vaan) (Former member of TO1).
One of my newest discoveries and favourites, last but not forgotten has to be Vaan!. I really enjoy his feature on the ‘All Bout U’ track, fool, butterfly (demo) and Don’t look back in anger. I think he has some good talent with a lot of potential within it. I really suggest his songs; https://soundcloud.com/aeon77 .