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Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.
There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.
So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.
Indy from Brazil is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of The Rose. Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hi, I’m Indy! I’m 25 years old and I’m from Brazil. I’m starting my career as a Graphic Designer and as long as I’m breathing I’m a Black Rose.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
A lot of people know the exact date they started being part of the fandom, but for me, I felt part of the fandom from the first moment I heard ‘Sorry’, The Rose’s debut song, on August 3, 2017 , on the same day as the band’s debut. I mean, we can be part of a fandom without knowing the members’ names first, right? Because I felt part of the fandom from the first moment I heard them.
It was midnight here in my country and I used to go on YouTube and see the day’s releases, and that’s when I saw that ‘Sorry”s MV had been released. I clicked on the video not knowing what to expect and the moment I heard WooSung’s husky voice at the beginning of the song, my whole body shivered, I was speechless and completely in love with that voice. I watched the MV and I just felt like “Wow, this is just the beginning”, so I searched for the members on social media and since that day I haven’t been away from The Rose for a single day.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?
I believe the main reason is the *feeling*. The Rose is a band of four incredibly charismatic, friendly, hard working people who love what they do. They have such good energy, they are inspiring and they convey love. They make me feel alive, they make me feel good, strong, beautiful, invincible, welcomed and many other good feelings. And I feel this way when I listen to their music and their lyrics, even when I see their pictures or when I receive notifications of their posts I feel it’s almost like a strong warm hug in which you can feel the love enveloping you and it’s such a good feeling, and a love so pure and reciprocal that you don’t want to let go of that hug anymore. I hope this all makes sense hahah.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
The first to catch my attention was WooSung. As I said before, when I listened to ‘Sorry’ for the first time, WooSung’s husky voice at the beginning of the song made my whole body tingle. I love husky voices and WooSung’s voice has something special, his voice manages to be soft, sweet, light, husky, strong and striking, all at the same time.
Who is your bias, and why?
I can safely say that I don’t have a bias, or better yet, that all four of them are my biases.
It’s been almost 5 years with them and I love how unique they are as individuals, they really have their own colors. So I’m going to talk about something I really love about each of them.
Starting with WooSung. WooSung is not only super fun, cool and open minded, but also sensitive and he conveys SO MUCH love. I love the way he cares about others, how he tries to understand other people’s feelings and he’s really good at giving advice.
DoJoon is a weird guy hahah and that’s a good thing! He’s smart, kind and strangely funny. His sense of humor is unique hahaha DoJoon is that person who makes everyone happy as soon as he enters the room.
HaJoon, for me, is that friend that everyone wants to have around. He likes to talk, to hang out with friends, he has a broken sense of humor hahah loves to make dad jokes and word puns. HaJoon talks to fans like he’s been friends for several years (well, and that’s the truth), he’s a great friend.
And then we have JaeHyeong! He’s such a sweet person, he’s the one who talks the least, but whenever he talks, everyone pays attention. JaeHyeong is kind, fun, he laughs a lot and is chill and has a good vibe.
And finally, all four SHINE when talking about the music, the band, the members, fans and family. They are very precious.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
For new fans, I would like to recommend the title track ‘Sorry’ (it’s a must). I believe that people of all styles will like this song when they listen to it. For those who already have listened to ‘Sorry’, I also recommend the title ‘Baby’. ‘Baby’ is a strong yet light track and the instrumental is simply amazing and mesmerizing.
As a B-side track, I recommend ‘I don’t know you’ which is a calm track, perfect for any time of day. And I also want to recommend ‘Take Me Down’ to anyone who wants to hear something with more presence and it’s a track that as soon as you hear it, you know it’s by The Rose.
Although The Rose has their color, their musical style, they also manage to reach different audiences and I think this is one of the band’s strong points.
Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
Since I don’t have a specific bias, I really want to recommend the video of The Rose playing the whisper challenge on “heyitsfeiii” youtube channel. It’s a hilarious video and shows a little bit of each member’s personality. It is SO FUNNY!
Can you also do the same type of recommendation for the group?
The Rose has many covers and I believe the most famous is ‘ILYSB’ by LANY, but many people think this song is original by WooSung. hahah I love it.
Okay, I want to recommend The Rose singing ‘MARRY YOU’ by Bruno Mars at the KBS Concert Culture Warehouse. Alert: You will fall in love with them!
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
I have 2 favorite lyrics and I think this is something all Black Roses agree on.
One is from the song ‘She’s in the rain’, that goes “You wanna hurt yourself, I’ll stay with you. You wanna make yourself go through the pain. It’s better to be held than holding on”.
And the other one is from the song ‘Black Rose’, a song they made dedicated to the fandom. “Even if the last petal falls, I’ll protect you forever. Thank you so much for your words that made me alive”
Are there any words from the members you would like to share?
“it’s okay to feel these emotions”; “We are all beautiful”; “You are not alone”; “If you know how everything is going to happen, there’s no point in living. It’s like using a cheat, if everything goes the way we want it to”; “If you love yourself, and you realize that your life is important to you, and you’re the only one who can kinda take care of yourself, it becomes a little bit easier”; “We Rose You”.
What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?
The Rose always talks about gratitude, spreading love, comforting people and chasing your dreams. The Rose helped me change my perspective on life and on myself, I became someone more positive.
Since I translate their content (songs, interviews, articles…) into my native language, The Rose also helped me a lot to improve my English and Korean.
Within these almost 5 years with them, there were several moments where I was only able to make the decision because I thought about the members’ words and felt that I was not alone and that they are always rooting for me.
The Rose members also like to recommend movies, series, songs, dramas and books and I have watched/listened to/read many of their recommendations and I think that also influences in some way.
We black roses are so grateful for The Rose and all the moments we have together. We went through ups and downs, the journey was not all roses (haha) but we are always by each other’s side. The Rose’s songs and words convey the comfort we need on difficult days and also convey the encouragement and cheering we seek when we try or conquer something new.
What is your favorite side of fangirling?
My favorite part about fangirling is giving and receiving love and not being afraid to be happy and share the happiness. We connect with artists and fandom on different levels and I think that’s amazing. This exchange of love doesn’t just happen between artist and fan, but also from fan to fan. Our fancafe is on discord and we create connection and friendship with other Black Roses and have direct contact with the members of The Rose.
Fangirling isn’t just about screaming and hysteria as some people think, it’s also about community and being connected with people who understand us.
What is your biggest dream for your favorite group/bias aside from being Happy and Healthy?
I don’t see it as a dream, it’s something more real than that. I wish and manifest that they will feel fulfilled as musicians and that they will fulfill their dreams as a band as well as solo projects. They’ve mentioned before that they want to have a Grammy and want their songs to be 1st on Billboard… So I really wish they could get all of that and more. I will be witnessing everything and rooting for them always. They work so hard and love what they do, they deserve the achievements to come.
Is there particular information that you want to say to new fans because they mostly don’t know about it?
The Rose is not a band formed by a company. They were four friends who felt that making music together was what they wanted for their lives and so they introduced themselves to a company to prepare for their debut. The Rose write and compose their own music. A few years ago they left the old company and now they have their own company.
If you have a chance to cook for the group, what will you cook for them?
I would love to make some typical Brazilian food like Feijoada. But I think I would cook gnocchi because it’s a dish I love to make and I always get compliments for my special sauce. I would even make the vegan version especially for WooSung ^^ (and JaeHyeong can help me because he also likes to cook) And for dessert, I know they don’t like sweets that much, but I would make Brigadeiro and Beijinho, which are some of the traditional Brazilian sweets, oh and Sagu with vanilla cream which is a traditional dessert from my region.
What is a random fact that you think people don’t know about them?
All four members have different blood types. WooSung’s blood type is A, DoJoon is O, HaJoon is AB, and JaeHyeong is B.
What is your 2022 prediction for your favourite idol?
My prediction is the truth: 2022 is the year of The Rose! After 2 ½ years of hiatus and military service THE ROSE IS BACK *clap clap* They will release an album and go on a world tour. The fandom is growing, they’re excited, we’re excited and we’re very proud of them, as always. And, yeah, my prediction is that 2022 is just the beginning of this new chapter full of news, happiness and achievements. GO THE ROSE!!
Indy’s message to The Rose:
Hi, I’m Indy and I run @TheRoseBrasil. Hope you are all well, it’s been a busy and VERY happy year ♥
In this letter I want to tell you how important you guys are to me [and the fandom]. From the very first moment I saw you guys, I knew that The Rose would be a big part of mt life… and, well, it’s been that way for almost 5 years! Every day waking up and checking notifications to see if there’s anything new from you, translating your interviews and content so your words can reach more and more people – I love doing this and I’m not the only one who does this, it’s one of the ways we found to thank you for all your hard work to return the love you guys give Black Roses. We are working together!
I also want to thank you for every moment with us Black Roses, for every “hi”, “thank you” and “i miss you”, for every smile and every tear, for every wifi hug hahah we are really grateful for everything.
There were many difficult moments during the walk, but now that the storm has passed, we can see the sun and flowers again and how big our rose garden is. I am very proud of each of you. You are amazing people, amazing musicians and you change lives with your music and lyrics. Oh, and to be honest, The Rose’s journey is my favorite story, I get emotional every time I think about it and I love telling people this story and ending up saying “and there’s so much more to come!”.
I know we always say this, but really, whenever you are going through difficult times or going through changes in your personal life, know that Black Roses are always with you, we will never leave you and you can always count on us.
There’s so much I would like to write, but for now, I’m just going to close my eyes and try to telepathically send you everything I want to say and I hope you get the energy and understand the message hahah
I hope to meet you in person soon so I can send the message just by looking you in the eye and “Hi my friend” and you will feel the message and know how proud I am to be a Black Rose 🙂
Thank you for existing
Thank you for making music,
Thank you for not giving up,
Thank you for being with us,
Thank you for being THE ROSE.
I Rose You – We Rose You
Thank you for answering our questions, Indy.
If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at fan@kpopmap.com. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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