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Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.
There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.
So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.
Mars is the next fan to answer our questions. She is from the U.S. and is a fan of DKZ, and particularly of MunIk. Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hello, my name is Mars. I’m from Richmond, Virginia, and I’ve been doing fan translations for DKZ for almost four years. At first, I did it through the Community Contributions feature on YouTube, and when that was discontinued from the paltform, I started my own channel with my partner, Mini (Mars화성 | Mini민희), and then my official Twitter account (@Mars_and_Mini) soon after.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I became an Ari (Dong-Ari) some time in 2018 when I got ‘NOM’ (their pre-debut-turned-debut track) recommended to me on YouTube. I thought the song was really fun and fresh, and I was confused by how much I enjoyed it despite not being the biggest fan of “cute” concepts. There was just something there that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. So I binge-watched all their available content in a day, and when I was done, I realized that they already had a hold on me. I could recognize all their faces, names, and voices in only a few hours, and my only desire was for them to succeed. DKZ just has that kind of magnetic power, and they always have.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite artist?
I love DKZ because they’re so hardworking and genuine. Truth be told, you can slap the title ‘hardworking’ onto any idol in the industry, because there’s not a single one that didn’t put in effort to be where they are today, but it feels especially evident from DKZ. Their company, Dongyo Entertainment, has always put an emphasis on live performance. Meaning that when they were trainees, they were always putting their skills to the test through busking, festivals, and school tours. They worked tirelessly for 4 years with no major moves on the charts—until 2022. This year was their breakthrough, and I’m beyond grateful for it.
As far as ‘genuine’ goes, the members have always made a point of being honest with us. KyoungYoon talks openly about his past struggles with depression, MunIk keeps us in the loop about his recovery from anxiety, JaeChan always tells us when he’s tired or struggling, and JongHyeong puts in his best efforts to share things and tell us he loves us, even though he finds expressing his emotions hard. The new members (SeHyeon, MinGyu, GiSeok) hold those same qualities. They’re open in acknowledging their struggles having joined a previously debuted group, but they’re also incredibly respectful of the OG members’ and Ari’s emotions. They see themselves as ‘the new guys’, and they think they have to earn their place. Truth is, they already have, and I hope they’re beginning to see that. DKZ’s genuine nature dates back to their previous leader, WonDae, who had to leave to focus on his health and recovery after an injury. He was the first member of DKZ (then called DONGKIZ) and would cry whenever he thought about how much he loved his team and his fandom. He was, and is, a kind man, and his influence runs deep.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
I think WonDae and MunIk caught my attention equally! WonDae, for his amazing vocals and falsetto in ‘NOM’, and MunIk, for his expressions. They both had that, “Wow, they’re gonna go far” factor, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Who is your bias, and why?
My bias is none other than Jang MunIk! At the risk of sounding cheesy, he feels like home. For me—a highly sarcastic social-reject of an introvert—home is my favorite place to be. There’s a kind of bittersweetness that comes with it, ’cause on the one hand, you want nothing more than to be near it, but on the other, you want to stay away for as long as possible, because you know that once you’re back and surrounded by that comfortable warmth that only home can provide, you’re going to dread the time when you have to leave again. Because you can’t always be home—you’ve gotta go out and explore. But you’ll always have that comfort to look forward to for when you walk back through the door. A warm, cozy blanket, a mug of chai tea, your dog laying at your feet, and a cat curled up on your lap. MunIk feels much the same, ’cause he always makes me feel warm and fuzzy, but at the same time, I’m scared he’s going to disappear. He’s fragile, and I’m afraid to squeeze too tightly.
Which song by them caught your attention at first and why?
It would have to be ‘NOM’, considering it was the first song I heard, and therefore the one that piqued my interest. Besides that, I’d say ‘LUPIN’! I was so taken by the suave nature of it and the addictive saxophone hook. I was (and still am) obsessed with it. I loved how even with a concept like that, they still had their DKZ color and charm. They didn’t lose themselves just because of a darker concept. The same can be said for their song ‘Beautiful’! A dark, sexy concept (with touching lyrics) that still carries their signature sound. In my opinion, the members themselves are the sound, so I don’t think there’s a way for them to lose it. And if there is, I haven’t seen it yet.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
For a title track, I’d recommend their newest release — ‘Cupid’! Not only do I want to introduce new listeners to the new members right off the bat, but the song itself is just very catchy with impressive vocals and witty raps.
As far as B-sides go, I recommend ‘너로 인해 완벽해’, otherwise known as ‘Complete Me’. The lyrics are very sweet and comforting, and I think it’d be a good listen for anyone at least once (especially if you read the lyrics), whether it ends up being your style or not.
Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
I would 100% recommend MunIk’s “we party all night yeah~ yeah! 🥳” birthday live from a while back! He was in a really good mood there, and you get to see a lot of his personality traits shining through—plus his eternal battle with JaeChan stealing his bed. As far as covers go, I’d recommend his SEVENTEEN Medley dance cover, which can be found on their official YouTube channel! It shows off really affectively his duality and adaptability.
Can you also do the same type of recommendation for the group?
I would recommend their V Live titled: “Merhaba~ Biz Dongkiz’iz”, because even though it only includes 3 of the members (KyoungYoon, JaeChan, JongHyeong), I feel like it really helps you get a handle on their energy together! Their playful bickering and teasing, their support of one another, their dorkiness, their kind hearts, their humor—it all shines through in this live, so I definitely recommend watching it to new fans!
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
One of my favorite lyrics is from the bridge of ‘Beautiful’ in JaeChan’s rap verse.
“Look at yourself, you’re already enough,
Before your beauty disappears,
When you meet the hidden part of yourself,
Don’t be afraid, and just show who you truly are”
It’s a nice confidence boost, and the inflection and flow as he performs it is super addictive!
Are there any quotes by your favourite artist that you would like to share?
Two things I always think back on is JongHyeong saying, “It doesn’t matter when you started loving us—what matters is that you’re here now” and KyoungYoon saying, “This goes for both me and the members. No matter how hard things get, we won’t let it break us down.” I know those could sound like very basic statements without context, but coming from those specific people in those specific moments, it meant so much. When they were known as “DONGKIZ”, they got little to no attention. All they had was us, Ari, their tiny but loyal fandom—and we were barely enough to keep them afloat. So the fact that they take everything in stride and they’re happy to grow bit by bit and welcome change is truly touching to me. They’re finally getting what they deserve, but never once have they discounted the steps that they took to get there.
What kind of influence has your favourite artist had on your daily life?
They give me something to passionately focus on and dedicate myself to. When I first started learning Korean, I was fascinated by the language, and I wanted to do something with it, but I just didn’t know what. I considered teaching or tutoring for a while, but never really translation, since I wasn’t sure I was capable of something like that. But because I wanted to help share DKZ’s content with a wider audience, I tried. And it turns out, I’m not too bad at it. I always try my best, because the members have wonderful things to say, and I want to express that in the most accurate way possible. They inspire me to work diligently, pursue my new found dreams, and always be improving my skills to provide better content and subtitles for the fandom.
Is there particular information you want to tell new fans that most wouldn’t know about?
MunIk may be a cutie and act like the fake maknae a lot of the time, but in truth, he’s a hyung—and a very good one at that. He’s logical, rational, and considerate, despite being the youngest in his own family. He protects JaeChan from bugs and wakes him up gently for snacks or schedules. He’s supportive of JongHyeong and doesn’t tend to let him feel embarrassed on his own, and now that he has GiSeok to take care of too, I’m beyond excited to see how they interact in the future!
If you had a chance to cook for the group, what would you cook for them?
Honestly, I’m a pretty crap chef, but I have a few signature dishes I’m a pro at making. If I wanna go with something I’m good at, I’d probably do my lemon zest, chickpea, garlic, and spinach stir-fry salad. Then again, I could always just go the safe route and cook up some meat. I’m sure KyoungYoon would thank me.
If you could spend a day with your bias, where would you go and what would you do?
There’s this park not even 5 minutes from my house. It’s my special place where I go to take a break and reset. Since it’s my special place, I only share it with special people, and I think MunIk fits the bill. I could imagine grabbing ice cream or bubble tea beforehand, and then just walking around the park and talking for hours about whatever random thing comes to mind—no pressure or expectations.
Do you have a dream sub-unit/unit?
I think it’d be really fun to see an iconic 04 liner sub-unit! Much like the 00s, it’d be fun to see them perform together every once in a while for special events. I’d love to see what could be done with GiSeok and other 04 liners, like Harry June from DKB, Win from MCND, JinWoo from GHOST9, or YuBin from MIRAE—just to name a few! There are a lotta talented 04 liners out there, and I’d love to see some emphasis put on them.
Can you recall a moment where you cried/laughed with your bias?
It’s very rare that I cry with MunIk; it’s more that I cry because he’s crying. It chokes me up every time. I think the exception is when JongHyeong’s mom sent him a video letter and MunIk watched it with him. You couldn’t see his reaction at first, but when the camera finally got to him, he was crying. That’s when I noticed I’d been crying for a while. As far as laughing goes, I don’t know if we have a similar sense of humor or if his laugh is just contagious (maybe a mix of both), but I usually laugh in sync with him.
What do you think is the most underrated song by your favourite idol group?
Definitely ‘Universe’! It’s a title track, but we only got a choreography video for it. It’s honestly one of my favorite DKZ tracks, and it’s such an earworm! Once it’s in there, I promise you won’t be able to unhear it. I definitely recommend watching their “it’s KPOP LIVE” performance of it to truly appreciate the amazing vocals and clever choreography!
If you could go to only one, would you go to a concert, fanmeet, or fansign?
I’d have to say concert, ’cause concerts are my happy place. Nothing beats the high of being surrounded by music and energy that powerful. I’d love to feel for myself what DKZ’s vibe is like in person.
If you could write a book about your bias, what would the first and last lines be?
“Flowers have a natural progression. They bloom, they whither, and they die. But some flowers bloom all year-round, for everyone to admire their beauty and aromatic scent.”
“Poor little flower. Everyone was so busy admiring its pretty petals, they forgot to give it water and sunshine! So she took the flower from the dirt, roots and all, placing it in a pot on her window sill. And after lots of water and sunshine and encouragement, the flower that bloomed all-year-’round bloomed once again.”
What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?
The fact that I can share it with my whole family. My mom, sister, and dad all love DKZ, and they love hearing me talk about them. And believe me, I could go on for hours. It makes me so happy to know that my family supports my favorite group and the work that I do. It’s a wonderful feeling to know they’ll always be the first ones to watch or read the translations I post.
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well-known, or any prejudices about your favorite artist from other fans (non-fans)?
It’s a very small, misguided percentage of people, but I wish that small, misguided percentage would stop saying DKZ never got popular because they didn’t try hard enough. They always put in the most effort, and look where they are now. I also hope people will stop saying they’re only popular because of JaeChan. While it’s true that JaeChan helped kickstart their rise in popularity after starring in “Semantic Error”, people come for JaeChan, but they stay for all the members, because they’re equally talented and amazing, and deserve the support.
Mars’ message to DKZ:
Hi, DKZ! I hope you’re resting well and not being too hard on yourselves. You have a lot going on these days, and you deserve a break. Thank you for always being Ari’s superheroes and coming to rescue us when we’re down. I hope we have the same superpowers when it comes to you. KyoungYoon, thank you for taking good care of everyone as the eldest member, and always being so loving, accepting, and kind. MunIk, thank you for taking a break. You deserve it and you should never feel guilty for taking time to yourself. I will wait patiently for you to return with a smile. JaeChan, thank you for always being unabashedly yourself and not being afraid to speak your opinions, even if you might be met with opposition. JongHyeong, you’re an amazing leader! I love how you’re so mature, but you can still act like a kid. It makes me smile. SeHyeon, MinGyu, and GiSeok, thank you for joining DKZ. I will admit that I was hesitant to welcome new members at first, but you immediately quelled any of my worries, and I felt silly for fretting in the first place. SeHyeon, you’re goofy but also strangely eloquent. MinGyu, you’re a born-entertainer and you have an incredible voice. GiSeok, you’re a wonderful dancer, and I can’t wait to see what more you have to offer! Hang in there with all of JongHyeong’s teasing. And finally, WonDae, I miss you and I thank you for all the years that you put into this team. I’m sad you can’t be with us on this journey, but I thank you for leaving us in such capable hands. I love you all!
Thank you for answering our questions, Mars.
If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at fan@kpopmap.com. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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