Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”

SF9 Official / RoWoon Loyalist's goods

Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.

There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.

So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.


RoWoon Loyalist is the next fan to answer our questions. She is from the Philippines and is a fan of SF9 and more particularly of RoWoon! Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!ย 

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”

SF9 Official

Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?

Hello everyone, you can call me RoWoon Loyalist, a mental health practitioner from the Philippines.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”

RoWoon Loyalist’s goods

How and when did you enter the fandom?

I was blown away with the flawless execution of RoWoon’s acting in “She Would Never Know”. I researched about him and found out that he’s actually an idol (Though I saw him in his past dramas it was just that “She Would Never Know” paved the way in deciding to stan him) and became a fan of his group SF9 as early as January last year. So happy 1st Anniversary to me as a FANTASY ๐Ÿ™‚

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”

JTBC / RoWoon in “She Would Never Know”

What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?

I am not really into K-Pop thing actually, I am more of a drama fan and it’s really my first time to stan a group though I am knowledgeable in other K-Pop group because I need it in my line of work (I deal with students that why I should know what’s in and out) the only sole reason why I love SF9 is despite that they are bit under rated this doesn’t stop the fire in them in making their fans happy and reminding each FANTASY’s to appreciate even the smallest thing in our life.

Who caught your attention at first and why?

RoWoon!!! I just love his portrayal as Chae HyunSeung in “She Would Never Know”, without too much prejudice that he’s an idol. So I watched him with no expectations at all.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”

JTBC / RoWoon in “She Would Never Know”

Who is your bias, and why?

RoWoon- He’s just so passionate with all the endeavors that he’s doing and so hardworking.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”


Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?

For the title track I go with my mood booster ‘Mamma Mia’ and for the B-side track I would choose ‘Round and Round’ and ‘K.O’.


Can you recommend a fancam, V-Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?

For RoWoon, I personally like his ‘Enough’ Fan Cam.

RoWoon once covered John Legend ‘All of Me’, here’s the link.


Can you also do the same type of recommendation for the group?

For SF9, I super love their ‘Love Shot’ cover dance during KCON.


Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?

Excerpt from ‘Dear Fantasy’- I feel like this is SF9 gratitude towards their fans.
“Iโ€™ve waited for today after wandering for a while / For a long time, I only wanted you / From your cotton candy eyes / From your sweet scent, love comes / Softly melting my heart”.


Are there any words from the members you would like to share?

“I hope that your day tomorrow will be filled with happiness” -RoWoon
What I really adore about him is he always reminds us that little matters also. That in life it’s not really always a big one that will make you happy, open your eyes and check also the little ones. It might bring you genuine happiness. In the first place happiness is always your choice.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”


What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?

They did help me to cope up life impossibilities when my parents both passed away. They became my constant reminder that even life seems so hard but if we will just appreciate little things in life it becomes bearable.


What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?

I can freely express myself without invalidating others’ opinions. Fan girling is surely is a very therapeutic for me.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino FANTASY Talks About SF9 & Her Bias RoWoon, Starting Her Journey Since “She Would Never Know”

SF9 Official

Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite group from other fans (non-fans)?

Because almost all of them are actors already some might think that SF9 is being lousy as them being an idol. I swear they are one of the most passionate groups that you’ll ever meet in your fan girling life. Check on them if you might want to consider it.


You can also add a message to your bias or show it in a message scrapbook.

To RoWoon: Thank you so much for being my distant inspiration. You are not aware but we are so proud of the person you have become. You are our inspiration but always remember to do whatever makes you happy and not what makes us happy. You owe it to yourself. Stay healthy and safe always bub ๐Ÿ™‚
To SF9: Thank you so much for your hard work. Many FANTASY are so proud to tell that they stan the right group. Each dedication, hardworks and compassion makes you stand. Some might not see it but we are more than blessed and thankful that we witnessed it. Long live SF9 ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you for answering our questions, RoWoon Loyalist.


If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at Everyone is welcome to participate.ย 


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