Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

TEMPEST Official / Kpopmap

Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.

There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.

So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.


Maymay from the Philippines is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of TEMPEST and her bias is HwaRang. Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

TEMPEST Official


Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?

Hi, I’m Maymay from the Philippines!

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

Maymay’s picture

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

Maymay’s picture


How and when did you enter the fandom?

I became an iE last February because of HanBin, I’ve been waiting for him to debut ^^.


What are the reasons why this rookie group is your favorite group?

As the time goes by and started to know each and every member, I realized that everyone one of them has their own special skills and personalities that catch me. LEW, a caring, multi-talented leader who cares for his members. HyeongSeop, a happy go lucky man who always put smiles on our faces. Hyuk who has pretty face and angelic voice. EunChan, a model-like idol who is very talented and gifted without him knowing it. HanBin, who is always smiling and makes the surroundings brighter. My bias, HwaRang who worked a lot to achieve his dream. A good dancer and rapper. TaeRae, our cute little maknae but with a giant voice that is soothing to my ears.


Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

TEMPEST Official


What do you think differentiates this rookie group from the others?

TEMPEST has the charm who can’t be compared to any group.


Who caught your attention at first and why? Did you know any members prior to their debut? Do you have a bias yet? If yes, tell us why.

At first, HanBin captured my attention because I am so happy for him. I’ve been waiting for his debut and now it happened. But HwaRang captured my heart, his dance moves and his looks made him as my bias. You might not believe me but every member is testing my loyalty to HwaRang, I can’t even choose a bias!

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

TEMPEST Official


What do you particularly like in this debut title track? Do you have a favorite B-side?

I really like ‘Bad at Love’, I actually recommended it to my friend and she said it was really good!


Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or other from your favorite group or bias?

I would recommend all of their covers and V Lives because it is all good and fun!




What are the things you are looking for in their future activities?

I am looking forward to more projects and shows that will help TEMPEST grow!

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

TEMPEST Official


If you have a chance to cook for the group, what will you cook for them?

I would like to cook pork Adobo and Sinigiang for them. It is a Filipino food wherein the pork is sauteed with soysauce, onion, garlic and vinegar. While Sinigang is a vegetable soup with pork, it is sour but very delicious. Adobo and Sinigang are very famous here in our Philippines, I want to see their reaction while eating the foods I said. I think HanBin and LEW will like pork Sinigang haha.


Do you have a dream subunit/unit?

I would like ASTRO’s MoonBin or ASTRO’s SanHa to have collab with HwaRang since I saw him danced to ‘WHO’ by ASTRO’s MoonBin and SanHa.


Have you ever made a new friend because of K-Pop?

Yes! He’s from Malaysia and I am so happy that met a friend like him. All thanks to TEMPEST!


Maymay’s message to TEMPEST:

Dear TEMPEST members, I want you to know that all of you has special place in my heart and I will always cherish you. iEs are always here to support you, I am really proud of you guys! Your hard works are starting to pay off! I love you guys so much, mahal ko kayo!

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart

Thank you for answering our questions, Maymay.


If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at Everyone is welcome to participate.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino iE Talks About Her Favorite Group TEMPEST And HwaRang Who Captured Her Heart



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