Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her

TREASURE Official / Kpopmap

Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.

There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.

So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.


Hiwaga from the Philippines is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of TREASURE. Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?

Hi I’m Hiwaga (in which I rather like to be called since it’s my pen name), a female and I’m from the Philippines.


How and when did you enter the fandom?

Well, I entered the fandom on their predebut era after listening to their predebut song called ‘Going Crazy’ on YouTube and I thought it was catchy so I decided to check the group out.


What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?

I love TREASURE because why not right? There’s no reason for me not to love them. They’re a group of all-rounded hardworking individuals, they’re sweet and caring to every members and they look after one another and most important of all: they bring the best of us and they also bring the best of them in stage in front of a thousand TREASURE MAKERs / Teumes.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



Who caught your attention at first and why?

JunKyu. There’s something about JunKyu that makes your attention stay with him due to his visuals, charisma, and voice. On “YGTB” (“YG TREASURE BOX”) he showed his potential since ‘MIXNINE’ era with the song ‘BETTER’ which made me feel very proud.


Who is your bias, and why?

I don’t really have a bias since I’m an ot12 and it’s hard to choose heheh but all I can say is, why choose 1 or 2 when you have all 12 in front of you right?

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?

For title tracks; play ‘I Love You’ and ‘Jikjin’ for the hype, play ‘Beautiful’ (their Japan debut and is a ending song for “Black Clover”) and ‘My Treasure’ to be inspired and motivated.




As for B-side track, I suggest every track in “TSS: CHAPTER ONE”, ‘Slowmotion’, ‘Orange’ and also ‘Darari (Remix)’. They are all composed and produced by the members themselves but specifically Haruto, Yoshi, HyunSuk, Asahi, and YeDam.




Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?

TREASURE’s Dance Performance of ‘Wild for the night’ by A$AP ROCKY and all their performances in “YG TREASURE BOX”. The ‘Bang Bang Bang’ cover of TREASURE in their first concert, “TRACE”. All their performances are great but somehow ‘BBB’ hits different, the song brings out their talent in stage.



Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?

“If it doesn’t work out, who cares? just start over
Don’t cry anymore
When tomorrow comes your existence will shine light
You’re the only one treasure
If you can’t do it, who cares? just start over
Laugh out loud
When tomorrow comes your existence will shine light
You’re the only one treasure”


Are there any words from the members you would like to share?

“Doing something you don’t want to do, and excelling at it is remarkable.” – Park JiHoon.
This quote of JiHoon hits me to the heart because I always feel inferior in everything I do and when JiHoon said this on his Vlive… It’s a quote that will motivate you, even if you don’t do your best and when you don’t like doing something but then you excelled at it is something that will make you believe in yourself.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?

Their daily updates, the things they are yet to share to the world is something us TREASURE MAKERs always look forward to. They help me pursue my dreams because they themselves told us not to let our dreams be just a dream, we should live it and that’s what I’m trying to accomplish now. They have a mindset that motivates you when you’re on your lows, they comfort us even through screen and that’s why I’m still here not just breathing but trying to live the life I once almost give up on.


What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?

Many. There are so many things; we get to interact with other Teumes and other fandoms. As time goes by there are many things that we find, memories to treasure and along the way, we also find ourselves in the process of healing with them. Fangirling / Fanboying is something that’ll always happen, it’s a phase, a beautiful page of our youth. Being a fan doesn’t last forever but the memories of being as one will.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



Is there particular information that you want to say to new fans because they mostly don’t know about it?

I feel like new fans don’t know their story before they became the TREASURE they are now, well specifically the ones who haven’t watched “YGTB” yet and some others. Members had to endure everything, lose friends, regain confidence, and show their potential just to debut.
There were scenes in the show that was too painful to watch but seeing them debut makes me want to cry in happiness. Their sweat and tears were worth it because they are finally making music and performing on the stage with each other.


Describe them in 5 words.

Treasure is comfort, rest, and home.


What do you think is the most underrated song by your favourite idol group/soloist?

The one Asahi produced, ‘Orange’. It’s such an underrated (not really) song and it’s probably the one some TREASURE MAKERs least like. I’ve seen some TREASURE MAKERs on some social media platforms saying how sometimes when they listen to ‘Orange’ it’s unlikable when it is not the case. It’s a song Asahi produced and it holds a deep meaning to him while making it. When Asahi made it he said that he felt he had grown from his past abilities as he was making the song. Its one of the many cause why it’s so special to TREASURE and TREASURE MAKERs.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



Hiwaga’s message to TREASURE:

There are so many words I want to say yet I cant properly put nor call but all i just wanna say is: You all did your best everday. You boys bring out the best in us, TREASURE MAKERs, and you’ve all been with us through the thick and thin despite not knowing each and everyone of us. The comfort. The vlive. The selcas. The daily update. The long messages. They all mean the world to us, to me. You boys always tell us to look after ourselves but please don’t forget yourselves too. In the end of the day you boys are just human. An ordinary human with fame. All the hates? You boys don’t deserve it but it’ll help you to find your worth because you have us Teumes / TREASURE MAKERs with you all.
You boys deserve all the love, the hype, the support in the world.
Loving you,

Thank you for answering our questions, Hiwaga.


If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at Everyone is welcome to participate.

Kpopmap Fan Interview: A Filipino TREASURE MAKER Talks About Her Favorite Group TREASURE & How They Influence Her



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