MONSTA X Official / Kpopmap
Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.
There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’ stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.
So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.
Admin A from Fashionbebe514 is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of MONSTA X (OT7) and more particularly of I.M! Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hello, I’m Admin A from @fashionbebe and I’m from Europe!
How and when did you enter the fandom?
Their “funny moments” compilation fanmade videos were sent to me by a friend. I found them hilarious and curiously asked more about them, she recommended watching their survival show “No.Mercy” through which the group was formed.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
At first, it was KiHyun and WonHo – they caught my eye the quickest of the whole group and kept my interest going. The more I learned about the group however, they all became incredibly precious to me.
Who is your bias, and why?
I admit it has taken a while to love ChangKyun [I.M] and to truly appreciate his complexity. I know how often non-fans are surprised to learn he is the maknae of the group, often being much calmer and introverted than his older members. But getting to know and coming to love ChangKyun has been a wonderful experience – because while he can act all cute, it’s his quietness and calmness that’s so so attractive. He may seem quite solemn at times when in fact he is thoughtful; he thinks about life and its meaning, weighs his words, and never tries to offer empty words of comfort. ChangKyun’s complexity, his duality is an incredible thing to witness – as he goes from being a force to be reckoned to be with on stage, from the calm, wise young man to the most charming, adorable maknae one could wish for.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
For both title and b-side, I will recommend songs from the same album, from “The Clan Pt. 1 Lost” which was the first part of The Clan series.
The title track ‘ALL IN’ is impeccable – from music, through raps and vocals down the MV which in my opinion is groundbreaking. The message in the MV is the one of battling against the repression of government, poverty, and the treatment of the disabled. Fans also see how the MV discreetly touches on the issue of homophobia through the portrayal of the relationship shown on screen. It was also released on May 17th which is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, and the whole The Clan series (Lost, Guilty, Beautiful Trilogy) spells out LGBT.
As for a B-side, again, same album and STUCK. ‘Stuck’ for the longest of times has been my absolute favorite track – I really can listen to it on a loop and never get tired of it. There’s something about the beat in that song that makes it simply addictive and JooHeon [JooHoney] and ChangKyun’s raps are top-notch. And when you suddenly remember it was released in 2016? You get to be blown away by how un-conforming and way ahead of their time MONSTA X has always been and how they continue to be so. (also the MV – please watch it, the choreography is INSANELY good in STUCK.)
Can you recommend a fan cam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your bias to our readers?
I highly recommend watching episode 2 of “Welcome To My Baverse” – which is ChangKyun’s episode, from Baverse Studio. It’s about 20 minutes long but I think it’s vital in understanding ChangKyun a little better.
It gives us a glimpse of his amazing personality, and shows us the less than glamorous side of him – the episode isn’t about MONSTA X’s I.M, but about Im ChangKyun, a man who is gentle and sensitive and passionate, who is so wonderfully human it will resonate within any viewer.
ChangKyun’s solo album “DUALITY” is so so so good to listen to – it’s slightly different from what the group’s music sounds like, it’s his unique wonderful color. The title says it all – “DUALITY” was meant to showcase ChangKyun’s happiness and loneliness and sadness and enjoying being with others. It’s to show us how human nature isn’t just one or the other but how we have different sides and angles, and how nothing is truly black & white. “DUALITY” tells us that it’s just as ok it is to find something that saves you, that it’s ok to be depressed and to go through emotions that consume us as fire; and that there is beauty in things that have passed and things that have gotten old and withered. Spotify link here:
Can you also do the same type of recommendation for the group?
It may be not a very popular opinion but for anyone who is interested in MONSTA X, I would recommend watching “No Mercy”. Yes, it’s rough and it’s painful, the show was ruthless at some points of time but it’s such a pivotal moment in the members’ lives. I feel like only when understanding where they came from and what they went through makes you really grasp their dedication and passion and stubbornness to make it. Knowing their history, and learning their trials makes you feel really, really proud to be their fan and to appreciate every single moment you have with them.
But to level this out, for some happy moments – I really love rewatching “MONSTA X I log U in Jeju”! You get to see all the members taking it easy, relaxing, and enjoying some downtime. It’s cute, it’s hilarious, and it showcases the dynamics in the group in a wonderful, heartfelt, and easy way.
Be warned though – it may make you love them more than you thought possible.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
“All of the words are sharp like thorns
I don’t want to be hurt so I firmly shut the door
I think the same with you and trap myself
But then I still hope for someone
Yes, I know I’m selfish
So please, take a step toward me first
I want to find an end in this anxiety
Please, just stretch your hand out for me”
ChangKyun’s part in “By My Side” by MONSTA X.
Are there any words from the members you would like to share?
“I like being alone. I enjoy that loneliness. It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to be lonely. Just stay as it is”.
“Sad now doesn’t mean sad forever and happy now doesn’t mean happiness will not end. If while you’re happy you’re worrying about becoming sad again, that’s duality. And that’s me”.
What is your favorite group/bias’ influence on your daily life?
I think discovering ChangKyun’s humanity has been a blessing for me – in a very fast-paced world, he reminds me that (while risking sounding like an overused cliché) it really is ok not to be ok. That it’s ok to be sad and to want to be lonely, away from people who you love truly and dearly.
ChangKyun reminds me that it’s ok to feel things and go through all the feelings. But he also makes me remember to appreciate the small things, to make memories where I can. He reminds me to appreciate the crunch of leaves on a nice Autumn day as much as the grandiose things in life.
For a lot of fans, ChangKyun’s became a safe haven – and so he has for me, like a place to rest my head and catch my breath before real, hectic life picks up again.
What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?
Connecting through music with others. Music knows no barriers – no age, race, gender, or sexuality restrictions. It has a special way of bringing people together and you can see some great acts of kindness and humanity within the fandom. It’s like a family, where sure you bonk heads and hiss at each other, but when it’s needed you all come together in a heartwarming way.
For you, what is your bias’ best stage outfits until now? Please share a picture or fan cam.
Oh I have to admit I STILL haven’t gotten over how good ChangKyun looked on “Show! Music Core” for their comeback with ‘RUSH HOUR’. Every time I see the photos from that stage I think my breath catches a little how handsome and spectacular he looked!
Go see for yourselves – and enjoy top notch visuals and amazing fluidity of ChangKyun’s movements to boot!
What is your biggest dream for your favorite group/bias aside from being Happy and Healthy?
While we all wish for achievements like topping the Billboard or selling millions of albums, I really really wish for ChangKyun to be able to explore his own musicality more. I wish he will get more chances to produce his own music – jazz, among others as he has mentioned it quite a lot already that he is interested in tackling that genre – and to produce for others. I keep my fingers crossed for him that this will happen and that his musical talent as a producer, composer and lyricist will be more and more known as time goes by.
If you go to only one, would you go to a concert, fan meeting, or fan sign?
I keep hoping for a fancall, so for now – I really wish I could go to a concert. I sadly haven’t had the privilege of seeing MONSTA X live yet so you can say it’s been a dream of mine to witness their stage presence and to live through this incredible experience with other MONBEBE.
If you have a chance to cook for the group, what will you cook for them?
Oh, Polish cuisine would be a hit with them I think! I would love them to try some of our national dishes like bigos (sour cabbage stew with meat) and pierogi (dumplings with different fillings – meat, mushroom, cabbage, cheese or even fruit), schabowy (it’s kind of a pork chop, traditionally coated in egg and breadcrumbs), kaszanka (blood sausage) and risking MinHyuk’s wrath – sour cucumber soup!
Do you have a dream subunit/unit?
Since I talked about jazz – I would pay every amount of money to have a ChangKyun/KiHyun jazz unit. They both expressed interest in the genre and we haven’t gotten their subunit since 2016 and their cover of 이대로도 예뻐. You can say that it’s way, way overdue!
Describe them in 5 words
Unique, inspirational, haven, chaotic, kind.
Can you recall a moment where you cried/laughed with your bias?
Oh gosh. I think everyone cried together with ChangKyun during one of the last episodes of “Midnight Idol” which he used to co-host with KiHyun – he was alone that day and opened up to Monbebe, said how much the show has given him a safe space to be himself, to be vulnerable with his fans. The raw emotions in his voice and the way he choked up, how he cried silently as the staff played a song to give him a moment – I cried so hard along with him, not ready to say goodbye to our show and to our host. It was a very emotional moment for everyone I think and for ChangKyun to show this soft, vulnerable side of him was a truly humbling experience.
What about your bias do you relate to the most?
I think that we share a common sentiment about being alone – I’m not sure if it’s the shared star sign or an introvert trait, but just like ChangKyun, I like to be alone sometimes. No matter how much I love my friends and family, being able to be alone and do my things, to go through whatever emotions are bubbling up within me, without the need to talk to someone, to mind someone is a rare luxury (but oh so needed). Being alone doesn’t mean it’s lonely – it’s a way we recharge.
What do you think is the most underrated song by your favourite idol group/soloist?
‘STUCK’. Definitely ‘STUCK’.
That song came out way before people were ready for it.
If you could write a book about your bias, what would the first and last lines be?
I think I would open up with:
“Don’t get fooled by the rough exterior; look past it and see the softcore.”
While the last one would be:
“And in all of those memories, there was you.”
Admin A’s message to I.M:
Dear ChangKyunnie,
I think most of all I want to say thank you and that I am proud of you.
I know some days haven’t been the kindest to you where you deserve nothing but kindness, but I also know you got through them. Like a cat, you slinked through the barbs and thorns, maybe a little worse for wear but intact.
I have witnessed your growth from a chubby-cheeked kid to a sharp lines young man, from singing someone else’s verses to an incredible, well-rounded lyricist and composer who invites us to his own world. I’ve witnessed your hard work on your vocals, where once you shyly hid to now singing to us beautifully.
You have come such a long way and you still have everything in front of you – and I can’t wait to accompany you on this incredible, complex journey you sure will take me on.
Thank you, I love you.
Thank you for answering our questions, admin A.
If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at fan@kpopmap.com. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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