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Are you also curious about fellow K-Pop fans?! Let’s hear their stories and interests in Kpopmap Fan Interview Project.
There are K-Pop fans across the globe who share the same passion. But on online platforms, it is hard to know about each other’s stories and K-Pop life. Even if we are in the same fandom, it is hard to get to know each other.
So at Kpopmap, we started the Kpopmap Fan Interview Project to get to know more about K-Pop fans from different countries: more about their K-Pop life and tastes and to give them the opportunity to share with our readers about their favorite group(s) and bias.
Iqra from Pakistan is the next fan to answer our questions. She is a fan of ASTRO. Check out how she entered the fandom, the songs and content she advises to new fans, and much more!
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hello Kpopmap readers. I am Iqra. I am 18 and from Pakistan. I hope you would enjoy my interview :).
How and when did you enter the fandom?
Well, I was never into K-Pop but I was a K-Drama fan. So I happened to watch “To Be Continued”. “To Be Continued” is a Korean web series starring ASTRO. It features them as a K-Pop group. I really loved the cast and storyline, and I was like, “Ah they are too good together, I wish they could form a real K-Pop group”. And when I searched up for the cast, I found out that they are actually a real K-Pop group xD. But as I wasn’t into K-Pop, so I didn’t listen to them. But after one year, when I got into K-Pop through BTS, I found them again and started listening to them. And now, I am a dedicated AROHA xD.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite group?
Um, I love them because they are just so supportive towards each other. They are really hardworking and talented. Each member has his own charms. Their songs are just so good. Actually, I was never impressed by any K-Drama OST (but now I do). But when I listened to ‘Innocent Love’, it really attracted me. So there is something in their songs, like a connection.
Who caught your attention at first and why?
Lol as most of AROHAs say, it was EunWoo. When I watched the drama and saw him, I found him just so unique from other Koreans. His features are so attractive. How can someone be so perfect? No doubt he is known as visual king of K-Pop.
Who is your bias, and why?
I don’t have any bias. Actually, it’s very hard to have a bias in ASTRO. As I said, each member have his own charms, and they have a lot to show. So I don’t have any bias.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
Ah it’s hard to choose one. Actually, once you get into ASTRO, you will like their every song. But as for new fans, I would recommend ‘One’ if they like dark concepts, and ‘Candy Sugar Pop’ if they like refreshing and funky music.
And for B-side, it’s really hard to choose one :/. But I think “Footprint” and “1 in a Million” are very catchy.
Can you recommend a fancam, V Live, cover video, cover dance, or content video of your bias group to our readers?
Yeah, sure. I would recommend their cover of SHINee’s ‘Replay’ and their collab stage for BTS ‘Idol’. As for fancam, I would like to recommend Rocky’s fancam of ‘One’.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
“I am still waiting, with the belief given to one person. Though it will be hard, I will come to you with tears in my eyes. You told me not to worry. It doesn’t matter what, I am still there.”
ASTRO – ‘Always You’
These lyrics are about the time when their company was struggling and their career was doubtful. They lost lots of fans at that time. They went through a lot at that time. So these lyrics really says it all. That’s why these are one of my favorite lyrics.
What is your favorite group’s influence on your daily life?
They bring me joy. They showed that no matter what the circumstances are, you should never give up. They stayed together at difficult time.
Can you share a fun episode that only fans from your fandom know to readers?
Yes there is one. “ASTRO VS Cicada”. Only AROHAs can understand it. This is from “ASTRO DDOCA”, when they were trying to catch a cicada but was super chaotic.
Do you have a dream subunit/unit?
Actually, I really would like to see MoonBin and EunWoo’s subunit. I wonder if fellow AROHAs agree with me or not.
Name a variety show/content show that you would love to see your favortie group on? Tell us why.
I wanna see them on “Men on a Mission”. Well, MoonBin, SanHa and EunWoo have been there, but I would like to see them altogether in the show.
Is your bias different while performing and in real life? What is your reaction to the difference?
There is a lot of difference. But they are very professional while performing. I like how they put their everything to present a good performance.
Have you ever made a new friend because of K-Pop?
Um maybe yes. I have, but through online.
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite group from other fans (non-fans)?
Um, I don’t think so there are any. But most of the times, people misunderstand EunWoo. They say “He is just handsome”. But he is much more than handsome. He is a very good singer. And there is one more. People often says that he will leave ASTRO, as he is having many acting projects. But if you guys see, he really loves ASTRO and AROHA. The members are just so supportive towards each other. I don’t think so there are any other misunderstanding. I just wish that people can see EunWoo as a good idol too. But as each day passes, they are getting more and more fame. Fighting ASTRO.
Iqra’s message for ASTRO:
I would like to thank them. Because of them, I found a little family xD. AROHAs are just so sweet and peaceful fandom. And guys, no matter what decisions you guys will take, whether you guys will renew your contracts or not, I will always support each of you. You guys have went through a lot. And we have come so far now. I wish you good luck with your future. And may you guys get a lot of more and more success, because you all deserve this. Sarangheyo ^-^.
Thank you for answering our questions, Iqra.
If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at fan@kpopmap.com. Everyone is welcome to participate.
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