Ravi x Kpopmap
Kpopmap Fan Interview is back with a special edition!
We have answers from fans of the groovy artist VIXX’s Ravi who has just come back with “LOVE&FIGHT”. Ravi has been long recognized for his talents ever since his debut in the popular boy group VIXX and for his solo activities and being the CEO of GROOVL1N as well. Ravi’s fans have a lot to say about him. If you are not a Starlight yet, this will be the must-have guide to joining the fandom. If you are already part of the fandom, this is the opportunity to get closer to other Starlight. A lot of Ravi’s fans joined the interview.
Fatima is a fan from Saudia Arabia. She talks about how she became a fan of Ravi, why she loves him, her favorite songs, content, and lyrics, and much more.
Can you introduce yourself? Where are you from?
Hello, my name is Fatima and I’m from Saudi Arabia. I’m a translator and a member of VIXX’s Arab fan base called ArabRovix with 4000 followers on Twitter.
How and when did you enter the fandom?
I became a Starlight in 2013, after listening to VIXX’s ‘Hyde’.
What are the reasons why you love your favorite artist?
I love Ravi because he always works hard. He is a genius musician and also a very warm-hearted person who understands his fans’ feelings more than anyone else.
Can you recommend a title track and a B-side track for new fans?
Ravi’s 2nd LP “LOVE & FIGHT” was recently released, so I will recommend ‘WINNER(feat. ASH ISLAND)’ for the title song, and ‘WARRIOR’ for the B-side track.
Can you recommend a fancam, V-Live, cover video, cover dance, or individual content video of your favourite artist to our readers?
I recommend ‘ROCKSTAR’ fancam.
I recommend “RAVI buying RAVI’s CD” V Live because it’s so cute to watch.
and I recommend this cover song by Ravi ‘It’s hard to face you’.
Can you share with us one of your favorite lyrics?
“Why should everyone endure the thickness of their lives?
Why can’t we be reckless?
Mixed in a crowd with moderate fear
I hide my tears with a false smile
Why should I be shy?
Yeah when I tear up
I will cry
Yeah if you curse at me
I’ll rip you too
Yeah, if you drive me crazy
I’ll Beat you up and smash everything
I’ll mess up and laugh
Why can’t I say the right thing?
Why do I have to be patient no matter what you say?
Why can’t I do what I want?
It’s okay, everyone can be a rockstar” – ‘ROCKSTAR’ by Ravi.
Are there any quotes by your favourite artist that you would like to share?
“If you fall and hit the floor, you can get up just by looking up. If you are tired, lie down a little and get up again”.
What kind of influence has your favourite artist had on your daily life?
Whenever I’m down and want to end everything I look at Ravi who always works hard and get the strength to move on. Seeing him working hard while achieving his goals makes me feel proud of him and gives me lots of positive energy and hope. Also, I was able to improve my Korean language a lot thanks to him.
What is your favorite side of fangirling/fanboying?
Always getting comfort and happiness, through his words and his songs. Ravi is my free therapy.
Do you feel there are any misunderstandings, things that are not well known, or any prejudices about your favorite artist from other fans (non-fans)?
I just hope that more people will recognize Ravi’s music and give it lots of love and attention, because he always works hard on it and every single song of his is a masterpiece.
You can also add a message to your favourite artist or show it on a message scrapbook.
Dear Ravi, I am writing this letter on your birthday! First of all, happiest birthday to you! I hope you are always healthy and happy while doing whatever you want to and I hope that your every day is full of smiles and laughter. Thank you for being such a strength and comfort to me. I want to tell you that you are doing well and you are not lacking and don’t have to be sorry about anything. you are doing well enough. I want you to know that no matter what I am always there for you and will always support you in everything you do. Thank you for being the shining star in the darkness of my life. I am really thankful and so happy to be your fan. You are such a precious person to me that I will love and cherish forever. Happy birthday my love and thank you for being born. Love you so much.
Thank you for answering our questions, Fatima.
Don’t forget to check other Starlight’s heartfelt words:
Kpopmap Fan Interview: Starlight From All Over The World Gush Over Ravi, His Music, Influence & MoreFan ArticlesFeb 16, 2022
If you are interested in joining Kpopmap Fan Interview Project, please get in touch with us at contact@kpopmap.com.
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