When it comes to the world of Korean Pop and all the hidden music genres underneath, the more you dig into these genres and find new artists you like the more chances you have of coming across familiar producers, names or reoccurring faces. For those who are fans of Mystic Story’s Entertainment’s artists or are fans of the beloved girl group ‘Billie’, you might recognize this upcoming duo formed by Lee Min Jong (Anlee) and Park Jiho (Blanc). From composition, arranging, writing and producing abilities and since posting covers on their Instagram, ANODE would release their first duo photo together and release pictorials to the public back in April ahead of their debut.
Paired with stunning visuals and trending fashion, ANLEE and Blanc would gear up for their first releases as official artists teasing the new single, ‘iMaGiNe #1, ‘Trouble’ which would act as their artist debut release. The single was released in two separate versions, 1 in English and the 2nd in Korean for both audiences to enjoy.
Although their first release wasn’t that long ago, the duo would continue to excite fans with not only teasers and an official announcement about the two track single but it would also be the first release by the group to gain local press thanks to the official website ‘Cho Sun’ .
The single itself would seemingly continue their series, ‘iMaGiNe #2’ which included the following tracks; ‘Fine’ and ‘SilkRoad’ and would be the next to get an official video on the duo’s youtube channel since ‘Trouble’ and their video containing a mash up of songs.
Don’t forget to check out their debut and latest release below or on your favourite streaming platforms!
Check out the duo’s debut and the recent release below and let us know what you think?, will you be sticking by to see where the artist duo will go and what things they will achieve or recommend to others who enjoy k indie and k ballads type of music?. Let us know!
‘Fine’ is a song with a funky k indie melody with a mixture of sing a long lyrics in both English and Korean, the members voices are a perfect harmony together that offer something new to those who love new music and artists within hte k indie scene in general.