Lupiter Pre debut group announces 5th member.

In 2025 the second month of the year is already on the horizon for many individuals across the globe, with each new month often comes with new announcements, releases, and excitement for many this is still true for the impactful K-Pop industry. 

With its well known artist to emerging, it is such a large industry packed with sub genres within the K-Pop term that can offer so many things for different people. Offering its unique flavours, styles, powerful or style centric performances, there’s a little bit of something for everyone. And quiet often of the time, each new month also means a line up of debuts, and pre debut teams introducing themselves for the first time to fans and beginning their rookie career. 

Since October 1st 2024 a new South Korean pre debut group underneath REF Entertainment would introduce itself as LUPITER (유피테르), announcing pre debut promotions with their members in Japan and Taiwan, even holding their first Japan concert back in November of 2024. The group’s name comes “from Jupiter, the king of the gods in ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The name is meant to symbolize the idea of an “endlessly open sky”, representing limitless possibilities.” 

Lupiter Official Group Post.

Within this time frame, the group would introduce its current 4 members; Kim Tae Hyung (Taeo) who is the Main Vocalist and born in 2002, Kim Ho Jin (Siho) who is the Main Dancer born in 2002, Lee Sang Woo who is the dancer born on February 21st 2003, Ahn Seo Jun who is the vocalist and born in 2003. 

In one of their most recent post, the group would reveal official self written profiles by the members and a teaser introduction to the new member Lee Deul who is born in 2004, INTP and is suspected to be in the rap position due to a short audio clip provided by the group.

Check out the official self written profiles by the members here, here, herehere and here.

Welcome Deul! 

New Member Reveal, Deul. 


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