In today’s digital age, social media platforms, e-tabloids, online blogs, etc, have become hotbeds for the spread of negative news and rumors.
Accidentally I came across one negative article -among many – on the internet, writing negatively about one of the K-Pop bands, even though I am ignorant about K-Pop band and idols still it irritated me, but I thought instead of engaging directly with the negative article, it can be more productive to express my thoughts on how to deal with negative news or rumors in a general sense.
A no action is an action by itself sometime, because not every negative post or rumor requires a response, sometimes, it’s best to let go and avoid further perpetuation of negativity, it is way better to focus our energy on more constructive and positive interactions instead.
Another way is “evaluation” before reacting to or sharing negative news or rumors, let’s take a moment to evaluate the credibility of the source, engaging by replies to non-credible sources helps increase the risk of spreading misinformation and unnecessary anxiety and tension, it harms all parties EXCEPT the “editor/writer ” who released such negative news, for them and their organizations they gained more reach REPLYING OR REPOSTING such negative rumors!
Be “Selective” while choosing accounts to follow or sites to subscribe with, make sure to engage with accounts that provide reliable and balanced information, unbiased, and with a mission of promoting a healthier online experience by writing cheerful and true content!
Still, I encourage embracing “Diverse perspectives” as it is a perfect approach while engaging in respectful discussions with others who may have a different viewpoint, it is a practice that can provide a broader context and help challenge our own biases, leading to more informed decision-making.
Negativity and rumors on social media can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can navigate through them while safeguarding your mental well-being, we can maintain a healthier relationship with social media and protect our mental health in the face of negative news and rumors. Remember, WE have the power to choose how WE respond and what WE allow to affect us in the virtual world.
Let’s navigate negative good or bad news and rumors with resilience and a more balanced mindset.