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It’s almost midnight, but you still can’t sleep because your regrets are haunting you again. You’re not alone. Beyond the real world, there it was the “Miss Night and Day” couple, Lee MiJin (Jeong EunJi) and Gye JiUng (Choi JinHyuk,) who got stuck in front of their window – ruminating the actions they take during their “attempted kiss” in episode eight. Although the couple has shown some unhealthy ways of dealing with regrets, they still made some positive actions that might inspire us to improve our view of regrets. Together, let’s learn from the couple with tips from Dr.Robert Leahy, one of the experts in regret.

In the aftermath of the kiss incident, Do GaYoung (Kim AYoung) scolded MiJin for attempting to kiss JiUng without thinking if her decision would have a 51% success rate. MiJin’s response, “In that situation how can I be sure that I have a 51, 49, 70 or 1% chance?” and this hits Dr. Leahy’s lesson about regret – that is every decision we take has negative consequences, so choose the consequences that you think you can handle.

As soon as JiUng realizes MiJin’s intention to kiss, he explains his resistance. Later that night, they met in the convenience store – MiJin apologized for her actions, and JiUng did the same. According to Dr. Leahy, humility is a significant weapon against rumination and regret, as it will help you to view regret as a way to improve rather than to condemn yourself.
Staying loyal to one’s decision despite the doubt

While doubt can save us from possible trouble, it can also take away potential opportunity. Hence, Dr. Leahy insinuates that having ambivalent feelings toward one’s decision is not always harmful. This is what MiJin did when she used the “kiss incident” as her answer to JiUng’s follow-up question about what she would do if KuWon (Baek SeoHoo) liked her. Because she doubts JiUng has feelings for her, she could’ve lied that she’ll accept KuWon’s feelings so she could give him a hint that she chose to give up on him. But no, she didn’t do that. She stayed loyal to her decision to like him, and that saved her from adding “what-ifs” to her list of regrets.
Making the best of what you have

Since the failed kiss incident, MiJin started to act cold toward JiUng, but whenever Ji Ung tries to explain why he stopped her from kissing him, MiJin’s detachment dissipates. Also, when JiUng stuttered to explain or was cut off by some trivial incidents, MiJin encouraged him to continue his explanation. In the big picture, MiJin is trying to make the best of the opportunities she has to continue liking JiUng even though she’s struggling to be with him. If she hadn’t done this small action, her relationship with JiUng might have fallen quicker and unpleasing.
Minimizing expectations

MiJin’s resistance to calling JiUng despite yearning to know his explanation seems to reflect her learnings from the “kiss incident” – that is to minimize expectations to prevent herself from saying or doing things that might lead to another regret.
Thinking of the future

Give up or persevere? To choose between them, Dr. Leahy suggested that one should imagine what their future self would think and feel about the decision. JiUng have done this when he decided to return to MiJin’s house after he failed to mend his relationship with her.
Final Takeaways
Regret is part of life. Hence, the above tips will not save us from regrets, but they can guide us toward acceptance and faith as we go through the painful process of dealing with the consequences of our past decisions.
Watch the latest episodes of “Miss Night and Day” on Netflix.